2017 Alaska adventure - Charlie Lake to Toad Lake

Toad Lake, 07.31.2017

We left Charlie Lake, British Columbia today heading to Toad Lake also in British Columbia. We didn’t have the high winds like we had yesterday, but we did have rain for most of the drive. At time the rain was very heavy. We are now getting into the outback of Canada. In many cases there are large distances between towns. We saw a couple of ‘motels’ that apparently cater to workers. Mainly these motels were construction trailers lined up end to end. We passed Sasquatch Crossing – no didn’t see Bigfoot. We stopped into a gas station the above ground tanks loaded in construction trailers. Guess the permafrost prohibits installing the tanks underground. Plus they can move the tanks as needed due to weather conditions. The particular gas station that we stopped at also had a restaurant advertising best food around as voted by truckers. Since there wasn’t anything else around for miles, they were the only place for food. The gas station and restaurant was their equivalent to our WaWa gas stations!
There was a lot of construction on the highway. In a couple of instances we had to wait for a pilot car to lead us through. In both cases we had to wait about 20 minutes before the oncoming traffic had completed coming through.

We passed through forests that had been engulfed in the 2015 Big Beaver Creek wildfire which burned 19,760 acres of trees. In many areas we could see the new regrowth taking place.
We continued on to the Tetsa River campground to purchase 2 of their world-famous cinnamon buns. Don’t know if I would say they are the best cinnamon buns in the world, but the men in my family love cinnamon buns so we couldn’t pass up the chance. While at the campground we noticed a funny sign on their gas pump. We had been paying .99 to 1.20 per litre for gas. Due to the remoteness of the campground, they were charging $1.59. Take it or leave it. If you need the gas you don’t complain since it can be a couple of hundred kilometers between gas stations.

We arrived at a lovely campground on the Toad River. The Toad River lodge is noted for its collection of over 10,000 hats donated by visitors since the lodge opened in the 1940s. The hats are nailed to every available spot on the ceiling and continuing down the walls.
We did see a few animals today but unfortunately I was not able to get good pictures. We saw a caribou and sheep. Hopefully tomorrow we will have better luck.

Our Camping Adventure - Virginia to Alaska


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