2017 Alaska adventure - Grand Cache to Charlie Lake

Charlie Lake, British Columbia, 07.30.2017

We left from Grand Cache heading for the beginning (mile marker 0) of the Alaska Highway. The day started out with fog and low hanging clouds. We experienced very high winds for most of the drive, which reduced our gas mileage drastically (at times only getting 4 miles per gallon). We passed through the town of Beaverlodge – home of the giant beaver statue. Then on to Dawson Creek which is the start of the Alaska Highway. 2017 is the 75th Anniversary of the Highway which was constructed 1942 – 1943.

We stayed at a campground owned by the Rotary’s. We saw several Rotary campgrounds throughout the day. My step-father would have been happy. He was a diehard Rotarian with 56 years of perfect attendance at the meetings. This particular campground had a memorial to 12 US Army engineers who drowned in 1942 when they pontoon boat sank. They were deployed to Canada in support of the building of the Alaska Highway.

Our Camping Adventure - Virginia to Alaska


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