2017 Alaska adventure -Omak, Washington to Culver, Oregon

Culver, Oregon, 09.11.2017

We drove through the center of Washington to the middle of Oregon today. We are surprised at the climates in both states alternating between high deserts to lush areas covered in fruit orchards and vineyards. The air was hazy due to the forest fires that seem now to be under control. Although we had somewhat limited visibility we were able to see Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Hood in the distance. The hills here are definitely totally opposite from the Alaskan mountains and hills. We definitely prefer the scenery in Alaska. Temperatures here are much higher than what we had become accustomed to in Alaska. In Alaska we had much cooler temps of 40s and 50s during the day. One morning was 29. Now in Oregon we are experiencing temps in high 80s and low 90s. Need to pull out the warm weather clothes once again.

Our Camping Adventure - Virginia to Alaska


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