2017 Alaska adventure - Denali, Alaska

Denali, Alaska, 08.25.2017

Today we took the shuttle bus tour from the Denali Visitor Center to the end of the paved road which ended in Kantishna which was a 12 hour round trip tour. Sounds like a long trip, which it was, but we thoroughly enjoyed the scenery and were able to see a lot of wildlife including bears, sheep, moose, and arctic ptarmagin to name a few. Even though we spent many hours on the bus we still managed to get in over 4 miles of hiking while stopping at the several rest stops along the way. We were once again able to see the peaks of Denali. That is a sight that only 30% of visitors to Denali are able to claim.

There is only one road through the park. It is paved through the point that commercial and non-commercial vehicles are allowed (about 15 miles). Beyond that point, only buses and shuttles from a couple of the remote lodges in the park are allowed on the road. That portion of the road is mainly dirt and only wide enough for one vehicle in many parts. The road handles traffic in both directions though! Thankfully the park has very talented bus drivers.

We all had a wonderful day and were very glad that we decided to take the full length tour of the park.

Our Camping Adventure - Virginia to Alaska


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