2017 Alaska Adventure - Michigan

Mackinac Island, 07.10.2017

On Monday, 7/10 we left Linwood for St Ignace, Michigan. Since this was a fairly short trip, we arrived in St Ignace in time to take the ferry to Mackinac Island for an introductory tour for the Halls of the beauty of the island. Bruce and I had first visited island two years ago. We had a beautiful day walking several miles around and planning our full day visit the next day. For those unaware of this island, it is located between Lake Huron and Lake Michigan. In 1897 all motor vehicles were outlawed on the island. All transportation is via horse, bicycle, or on foot. It is amazing to see UPS deliverymen riding on horse drawn wagons to deliver their packages. The island is also known for the flower gardens planted in the houses, hotels, and stores all over the island. Mackinac is also known for fudge. They even have a fudge festival in August.

On Tuesday we took the 10:30 AM ferry to the island. Upon arriving we rented bicycles and cycled the 8 mile path that encircles the island. We stopped several times to take side trips and enjoy the views of the water. One of our side trips was to climb 207 steps to Arch Rock. While looking through the arch we were treated to a view of kayakers in the clear Lake Huron water below. We were all amazed at how clear the water surrounding the island is. The color of the water is reminiscent of the Caribbean. We didn’t make it up to tour the interior of the Grand Hotel, but we did climb to the hotel and toured the gardens. The weather both days was spectacular. Temperatures were in the low 70s and clear sunny skies. Of course we did purchase 2 ½ lbs of fudge! Can’t go to Mackinac Island and not buy fudge. This was a wonderful stop.

Tomorrow we start the trek to South Dakota.

Our Camping Adventure - Virginia to Alaska


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