Peace and Love Tour

Today we slept in till about 8:45am. We left at ten though because we had to, we didn’t want to because we liked staying in the cabin. Then we went to the shops and went shopping and we washed the caravan. We drove to Lake Argyle only 78 kms away, it was a very short drive. Then we cleaned out the van, it took ages because of all the dust and burst milk cartons from the drive on the Gibb River Road. That was the end of our day.

Editor's Note: Today I had the joyous job of dealing with the 'red dirt yoghurt' we had fermented in the box under the childrens' bed. Unfortunately some water seeped in during one of our earlier ford crossings and the cardboard on some of the long life milk containers deteriorated. Over the past few days these then burst/leaked into the storage container, mixed with the red dust in there and fermented nicely in the heat to create a pungent red dirt yoghurt.


103 hoofdstukken

15 apr. 2020

Day 63

juni 03, 2018


Kununurra to Lake Argyle

Today we slept in till about 8:45am. We left at ten though because we had to, we didn’t want to because we liked staying in the cabin. Then we went to the shops and went shopping and we washed the caravan. We drove to Lake Argyle only 78 kms away, it was a very short drive. Then we cleaned out the van, it took ages because of all the dust and burst milk cartons from the drive on the Gibb River Road. That was the end of our day.

Editor's Note: Today I had the joyous job of dealing with the 'red dirt yoghurt' we had fermented in the box under the childrens' bed. Unfortunately some water seeped in during one of our earlier ford crossings and the cardboard on some of the long life milk containers deteriorated. Over the past few days these then burst/leaked into the storage container, mixed with the red dust in there and fermented nicely in the heat to create a pungent red dirt yoghurt.

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