Peace and Love Tour

Today we had pancakes with whipped cream, ice cream, maple syrup and butter for breakfast. After lunch we went to the cinemas and saw The Incredibles 2, then we went for a swim from 4:15 to 5:40, which is a long swim compared to our other swims - kind of. Then we went to bed.

Editor's Note: We've had a nice long break in Darwin but we've seen all Darwin has to offer now and we're keen to be back on the road tomorrow. Greg and the kids are looking forward to returning to the creature comforts of home in three weeks time. There is much conversation now about missing the truck, the Xbox, computer games, school friends and the pets. I am somewhat less enthusiastic than everyone else about returning home - idyllic days spent reading, swimming and sightseeing seem much more appealing than the responsibilities of real life. However, when I had to get up and do some school work in the middle of the night earlier this week so that I was tired enough to go to sleep I did think perhaps it was a sign I need to go back to work soon (sad I know).


103 hoofdstukken

15 apr. 2020

Day 77

juni 17, 2018



Today we had pancakes with whipped cream, ice cream, maple syrup and butter for breakfast. After lunch we went to the cinemas and saw The Incredibles 2, then we went for a swim from 4:15 to 5:40, which is a long swim compared to our other swims - kind of. Then we went to bed.

Editor's Note: We've had a nice long break in Darwin but we've seen all Darwin has to offer now and we're keen to be back on the road tomorrow. Greg and the kids are looking forward to returning to the creature comforts of home in three weeks time. There is much conversation now about missing the truck, the Xbox, computer games, school friends and the pets. I am somewhat less enthusiastic than everyone else about returning home - idyllic days spent reading, swimming and sightseeing seem much more appealing than the responsibilities of real life. However, when I had to get up and do some school work in the middle of the night earlier this week so that I was tired enough to go to sleep I did think perhaps it was a sign I need to go back to work soon (sad I know).

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