Peace and Love Tour

Today the first thing we did was go to the place where they have the largest classroom on Earth, the size of central Europe - the Alice Springs School of the Air. It is a place with teachers who teach a class over computer screens. The students have buttons such as raise hand or text box which everyone can see so you have to be careful what you say. Then we went to the Aviation Museum which wasn’t really that good or big compared to the other ones we have visited. Then we went next door from the Aviation Museum to the Alice Springs Museum were Orion found out that if it wasn’t for these small bug creatures we would never have been born because the world would have turned into a ice planet. Unlike many sea creatures they breathed in way more oxygen so they created carbon dioxide which warmed up the atmosphere and made more life be able to grow. Then we went to Hungry Jacks for lunch but ended up blacklisting it like the ones in Geralton and Busselton. This one because the nuggets were wayyyyy too chewy. When we got back to the caravan park at 3 O’Clock we went for a one hour swim and slide on the big water slide they have at the caravan park here.

Editor’s Note: Mars is fed up with blog writing and all blogs from today forward are written by Orion.
We also visited the Olive Pink Botanic Gardens today.


103 hoofdstukken

15 apr. 2020

Day 87

juni 27, 2018


Alice Springs

Today the first thing we did was go to the place where they have the largest classroom on Earth, the size of central Europe - the Alice Springs School of the Air. It is a place with teachers who teach a class over computer screens. The students have buttons such as raise hand or text box which everyone can see so you have to be careful what you say. Then we went to the Aviation Museum which wasn’t really that good or big compared to the other ones we have visited. Then we went next door from the Aviation Museum to the Alice Springs Museum were Orion found out that if it wasn’t for these small bug creatures we would never have been born because the world would have turned into a ice planet. Unlike many sea creatures they breathed in way more oxygen so they created carbon dioxide which warmed up the atmosphere and made more life be able to grow. Then we went to Hungry Jacks for lunch but ended up blacklisting it like the ones in Geralton and Busselton. This one because the nuggets were wayyyyy too chewy. When we got back to the caravan park at 3 O’Clock we went for a one hour swim and slide on the big water slide they have at the caravan park here.

Editor’s Note: Mars is fed up with blog writing and all blogs from today forward are written by Orion.
We also visited the Olive Pink Botanic Gardens today.

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