Peace and Love Tour

Today at 8:30 am we went on the Ord River Gorge trail. It was a bush walk going to a lookout point except without a fence. It didn’t lead you into the gorge but it overlooked the gorge and you could see the dam wall. It was 2km return and it said 1.5 hours but we did it in about an hour and most of that was stopping to talk to some people we met on the way. Then we went for a swim and I had a shower for 40 minutes (even though it wasn’t that warm) and my parents started searching the caravan park for me because they were worried. I actually looked clean after the shower. Then we watched Star Wars the Last Jedi because Daddy bought it on DVD. In the afternoon we went for our sunset cruise which took 3 hours and 45 minutes. The cruise was very interesting and from my point of view there was no bad part but from Orion’s point of view the bad part was smelling all the smelly wine. The lake has around 30 thousand fresh water crocodiles in it. We also saw some Wallaroos on one of the islands, they are a cross between a Wallaby and a Kangaroo. The lake is enormous, about 500 000 square kilometres. When some people were swimming one man lost his wedding ring in Lake Argyle but the water was 27.5 metres deep so he didn’t get it back. The best part of the cruise was free fizzy drinks, biscuits, cake and cheese.


103 hoofdstukken

15 apr. 2020

Day 65

juni 05, 2018


Lake Argyle

Today at 8:30 am we went on the Ord River Gorge trail. It was a bush walk going to a lookout point except without a fence. It didn’t lead you into the gorge but it overlooked the gorge and you could see the dam wall. It was 2km return and it said 1.5 hours but we did it in about an hour and most of that was stopping to talk to some people we met on the way. Then we went for a swim and I had a shower for 40 minutes (even though it wasn’t that warm) and my parents started searching the caravan park for me because they were worried. I actually looked clean after the shower. Then we watched Star Wars the Last Jedi because Daddy bought it on DVD. In the afternoon we went for our sunset cruise which took 3 hours and 45 minutes. The cruise was very interesting and from my point of view there was no bad part but from Orion’s point of view the bad part was smelling all the smelly wine. The lake has around 30 thousand fresh water crocodiles in it. We also saw some Wallaroos on one of the islands, they are a cross between a Wallaby and a Kangaroo. The lake is enormous, about 500 000 square kilometres. When some people were swimming one man lost his wedding ring in Lake Argyle but the water was 27.5 metres deep so he didn’t get it back. The best part of the cruise was free fizzy drinks, biscuits, cake and cheese.

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