
Day 55
So far, this day has been very cultural and historic. I started with waking up without a hangover, thanks to the weird 7/11 anti hangover drink. I know that it doesn't contain wheat, but that's all I know. On the way to Hiroshima memorial park I grabbed some eggs, onigiri and coffee. Upon entering the park I felt really bad. Almost as if the pain was still in the air. I walked around the the place for a long time, looked at the flame of peace, the catacomb gate and the statue of a mother, protecting her child from the storm. On the way to the next stop, was the famous A-bomb Dome. There are lots of pictures

A walk in the park

April 16

Day 55
So far, this day has been very cultural and historic. I started with waking up without a hangover, thanks to the weird 7/11 anti hangover drink. I know that it doesn't contain wheat, but that's all I know. On the way to Hiroshima memorial park I grabbed some eggs, onigiri and coffee. Upon entering the park I felt really bad. Almost as if the pain was still in the air. I walked around the the place for a long time, looked at the flame of peace, the catacomb gate and the statue of a mother, protecting her child from the storm. On the way to the next stop, was the famous A-bomb Dome. There are lots of pictures

around this area, that shows how the bomb erased the entire city center apart from that one building.

Next up was the Hiroshima castle. Another old building and another mind blowing experience. We have old buildings back home, but its just that, a building. The Japanese people focuses on everything so a castle for example, has its own gardens, special trees, the correct sand, koi fish in the mote. Its basically a Japanese garden with a huge castle towering over it. It was really cool looking but I felt like the most beautiful thing I saw today was the Shukkeien Garden.

Construction started in the 16th century, it was ordered by the lord of Hiroshima prefecture and it looks unreal. Today happened to be the day of a free bonsai exhibition as well, Lucky me.

I just got back to the hostel, I'm staying at a place called "K's house", and it is really good. I'll wait til the other guests come back from their adventures and then we will probably end up drinking tonight again.

Day 56

I had way to much faith in the "liver juice". There is a drink you can get in the seven elevens that coats your stomach and helps to deal with alcohol, however, excessive drinking will unfortunately still make you hungover. I have my last day in Hiroshima today, and tomorrow I will head to Kurashiki. There is a few other guests that I hang out with here so I'm gonna see if they are up for something fun today. As long as someone else does the planning I'll be happy to tag along, my own brainpower is at zero percent though.

Day 57
Today was the final day in Hiroshima, I spent the afternoon and early evening walking around the shopping district, the amount of stuff they manage to stuff into game centers is astonishing. Every individual machine makes its own little song and plays its own sounds when you put money into it. After checking out some game centers and special clothes shops, we went to a all you can eat restaurant. We received our own charcoal cooking stove and ordered in wagyu beef, salted tongue, kimchi, vegetables, wakame soup, rice, beer, liver and a whole lot more while eating there and after 90 minutes I was so full that I couldn't even make room for a piece of salad.

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