
Day 18
Today started like most other days, I got Breakfast at an Indian place around 08:00 and proceeded to hang out at the hostel with some of the staff and other guests. We played "shithead" and one of them turned to me and asked; "Hey, do you want to climb a mountain with us?". My immediate response, Yes of course.

We moved out at 13:00 and moved through a very rural area, we quickly became the biggest sensation of a school class who was walking in the same area. Me and a German girl of similar height ended up being in probably 50 selfies. We laughed at each other and agreed that if we get asked again, we should just hurry up and get out of there. When the kids where satisfied and left us alone, we started walking again. We got to a cave of religious importance to the Nepali people. Apparently there was a "Natural statue of Lord Shiva" that had been formed. To me it just looked like a

Do you want to climb a mountain?

April 16

Day 18
Today started like most other days, I got Breakfast at an Indian place around 08:00 and proceeded to hang out at the hostel with some of the staff and other guests. We played "shithead" and one of them turned to me and asked; "Hey, do you want to climb a mountain with us?". My immediate response, Yes of course.

We moved out at 13:00 and moved through a very rural area, we quickly became the biggest sensation of a school class who was walking in the same area. Me and a German girl of similar height ended up being in probably 50 selfies. We laughed at each other and agreed that if we get asked again, we should just hurry up and get out of there. When the kids where satisfied and left us alone, we started walking again. We got to a cave of religious importance to the Nepali people. Apparently there was a "Natural statue of Lord Shiva" that had been formed. To me it just looked like a

rock, but I digress. It was a cool enough cave though, there was even a waterfall running through it.

The time was around 15:00 when we started our accent from the foot of the hill (it would count as a mountain back home for sure...). The time it took to reach the top is unclear to me, however we stopped many times and saw amazing views. The path was made of rocks and gravel and everywhere around us was forest and steep falls. We met a mother with two daughters, they walked this road every day, to and back from school. It's impressive to see an 8 year old named "Ria" effortlessly climb for 45 minutes while telling her mother about her day at school. Like most other kids she was very interested in us and wanted to know more about where we came from and how to say our names. She made fun of us for being so exhausted and eventually ran ahead of us. We had a small lunch break on top of the hill and after staying there for about one hour, we started our walk down again.

Finally back at the hostel, and the time is 19:25. I wont walk another set of stairs until I go to Thailand. I am however very happy that I followed them. This kind of spontaneous day trip is one of the things that I like the most about solo traveling. Now we all know each other

very well and we can all hang out later in front of the fire.

Tomorrow is the day I will go to Chitwan and the bus leaves at 06:30. That means I'm off to bed early tonight and wont be able to get breakfast tomorrow until super late. "Suffering is temporary" I guess.

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