
Day 9
Off to Pokhara! I woke up early and left for the gas station where the bus was going to stop, while there I met up with a few of the others from my hostel. When the bus arrived they said that the original bus was broken and therefore, we got to enjoy the more expensive bus without additional charge. Happily sat down in our huge leather recliners, the long journey began. The nature in Nepal looks stunning, around every corner and over every hill there are new views of mountains covered in either green or white. Even if the road was bumpy, (and I mean BUMPY) the ride was very pleasant. I got to see the area around Chitwan and that made me feel like going there on my way back.

The time is 15:09 and I've just arrived at my Hostel, called "Paila lakeside hostel". Here is a great view of the lake in Pokhara and there are a bunch of restaurants nearby. I'm quite happy to just hang around the hostel for a while, and in a few hours, I'll check out what google has to say about the food here.

Google says to be at


April 16

Day 9
Off to Pokhara! I woke up early and left for the gas station where the bus was going to stop, while there I met up with a few of the others from my hostel. When the bus arrived they said that the original bus was broken and therefore, we got to enjoy the more expensive bus without additional charge. Happily sat down in our huge leather recliners, the long journey began. The nature in Nepal looks stunning, around every corner and over every hill there are new views of mountains covered in either green or white. Even if the road was bumpy, (and I mean BUMPY) the ride was very pleasant. I got to see the area around Chitwan and that made me feel like going there on my way back.

The time is 15:09 and I've just arrived at my Hostel, called "Paila lakeside hostel". Here is a great view of the lake in Pokhara and there are a bunch of restaurants nearby. I'm quite happy to just hang around the hostel for a while, and in a few hours, I'll check out what google has to say about the food here.

Google says to be at

home and rest while being sick. I had a feeling this would happen sooner or later, and it came just as I entered Pokhara. I've gotten a common cold and I think that despite having nice dinner with a few friends from the previous hostel, I'm gonna call it a day already. The time is 18:30 here, and it will be the earliest I've gone to bed in a very long time, Hopefully im going to feel better tomorrow!

Day 10
I am part of a travel company of six people. The others are from the Netherlands, France and the US. We all went to have breakfast at 08:30 and after this we decided to change hostel. The other one was part of the same franchise as we used to live in back in Kathmandu, "Zostel". Google said that it would take about 1 hour to walk, and that gave me plenty of time to get lunch halfway there and then meet up with the others at the new hostel.

This turned out to be a mini trek. I walked by the lakeside for about 30 and then decided to go on a shortcut through the jungle. While in the jungle, the sounds became vastly different. The sounds of cars stopped and was replaced by birds and traditional music from a small

house at the top of the hill. I still felt a bit sick from the day before so I had to take a break at the top of the hill. I sat down, listened to the music and drank some water. After about 10 minutes a Nepali man walked passed me, he looked like he was in his mid 40's, and he was carrying 4 bags of rice on his back. The bags said 20 kg's. That is my weight, on top of his own, walking up a hill in the sunlight, I was impressed. After being beaten in every way by this superhuman, I decided to keep going with my single 20 kg bag. I arrived at Zostel after about 15 minutes.

This place is beautiful. It has a little garden, bonfires, hammocks, and even a pond full with koi fish. We all admired our new home and went to the bar for a light snack.

The time is about 22:00 and we just got back from eating dinner. Tomorrow we will get a taxi at 05:30 and trek up a mountain to watch the sunrise from the local temple, looking over the entire region.

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