
Day 94
Today I walked along the river, out of chance I came across a bakery selling gluten food. I was happy about this and bought six different items, only to devour them within minutes while sitting in a street corner like a savage. I kind of wanted to go back and get more but I decided at least to wait until tomorrow. On my way back I checked out Sensoji- shrine, home to the godess of mercy. It starting pouring down while I was there and I couldn't take any pictures in this weather which was a bit sad, but I got some one the way back that I was pretty happy with.

I wasn't expecting to run out of things to do in Tokyo, but apart from Teamlab and Daikoku, I feel like my time here has been satisfying enough. I would like to check out the northern areas and get away from the crowds here, but I'm having a hard time meeting someone who wants to risk their life climbing Fuji or take a stranger on a road trip before I leave. I have until April 14 here before I either relocate within Tokyo or fly up to Hirosaki!

Next up, ehh?

April 16

Day 94
Today I walked along the river, out of chance I came across a bakery selling gluten food. I was happy about this and bought six different items, only to devour them within minutes while sitting in a street corner like a savage. I kind of wanted to go back and get more but I decided at least to wait until tomorrow. On my way back I checked out Sensoji- shrine, home to the godess of mercy. It starting pouring down while I was there and I couldn't take any pictures in this weather which was a bit sad, but I got some one the way back that I was pretty happy with.

I wasn't expecting to run out of things to do in Tokyo, but apart from Teamlab and Daikoku, I feel like my time here has been satisfying enough. I would like to check out the northern areas and get away from the crowds here, but I'm having a hard time meeting someone who wants to risk their life climbing Fuji or take a stranger on a road trip before I leave. I have until April 14 here before I either relocate within Tokyo or fly up to Hirosaki!

Day 95
The hostel I'm currently in isn't very social, this is ok since I have a lot of stuff I need to do now, and I feel like I'm catching up a lot. Today I went to Ueno park, had lunch in the garden and walked around the area for a few hours. Lots of people had the same idea, as the cherry blossom season is almost over in Tokyo. It seems that everyone loves to walk around and look at the trees and even though there are thousands of people around me all the time, places like this are fairly calm. Tomorrow is another chance of going to Daikoku but I still haven't been able to find a car to take me there. I wont give up on this one, it's just way to cool...

Day 96
So far, today has been an amazing day. I went out and walked around to build more of a portfolio for myself and I found the coolest places ever to take pictures. While walking in the park near Roppongi hills, I

encountered a fierce battle between ducks. Two males where fighting. Tearing feathers from each other while chasing a female duck, desperate to get up to the surface now and then for a small breath of air before the males pushed her into the water again while fighting. Nature can be very cruel even in the quite hills of Roppongi. I watched this fight for about 10 minutes until they where so exhausted that they could barely swim anymore. The loser sadly waddled away while the winner and the bride walked into the bushes. After seeing this I headed back to the hostel. Shooting in full auto demands a lot of power, power that I will need if I get to Daikoku tonight. The struggle continues I will keep searching for a way to go there and when I do, yet another dream shall be conquered!

...First it's time to eat lunch though.

Day 97

The "Oiran Dochu Procession" is a yearly phenomenon just north of Sensoji temple. It is a small parade up to a small stage, where Geisha's dance, pour tea and do some other stuff. The music is strictly traditional and this brings a big crowd of locals and westerners alike. It was an interesting performance but I didn't quite get why it was such a big deal.

After coming back to the hostel, we decided to head out for Yakitori and beer in the local area. We found a nice Izekaya next to the station and spent a few hours drinking and talking. I'm going to spend tomorrow walking around Ginza, and the evening will be spent researching flights/trains since I would like to see more of Japan.

Day 98
Every Sunday, Ginza attracts lots of people. The Main road is closed for cars which means people can use it as a walking street. It was

fun to see all the different pictures people where trying to take, some did the Beatles thing, others sat in the middle of the road. I saw one girl crawling around in the middle of an intersection and a 7 year old making a hand stand next to her. I went through a Uniqlo on the way back and got a pair of pants. The rest of the day was spent doing laundry and preparing to go to Sendai tomorrow!

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