
Day 91
Today was one of those days where Japan just, kind of outdid every possible expectation. We where not sure what to do until Malthe started laughing at his phone while saying "Der ær en pik-festival i Kawasaki før helvede". And just as he had said, there was in fact a penis-festival in Kawasaki. There was a parade where people dressed in traditional clothes and dick hats carried, first, a flag, then an umbrella with a guy dressed as a demon under it, then a dick in a boat and another dick in a little house followed by the smallest dick in an even smaller house. Everywhere around us was dicks, and people chanting about dicks, and people eating dick-shaped candy. It was absolutely bizarre and after having a dick shaped lunch consisting of potatoes and oddly placed mayo, we headed back to central Tokyo.

Next up was the Tokyo Mega Pokemon Center. I was really excited to

Only in Japan?

April 16

Day 91
Today was one of those days where Japan just, kind of outdid every possible expectation. We where not sure what to do until Malthe started laughing at his phone while saying "Der ær en pik-festival i Kawasaki før helvede". And just as he had said, there was in fact a penis-festival in Kawasaki. There was a parade where people dressed in traditional clothes and dick hats carried, first, a flag, then an umbrella with a guy dressed as a demon under it, then a dick in a boat and another dick in a little house followed by the smallest dick in an even smaller house. Everywhere around us was dicks, and people chanting about dicks, and people eating dick-shaped candy. It was absolutely bizarre and after having a dick shaped lunch consisting of potatoes and oddly placed mayo, we headed back to central Tokyo.

Next up was the Tokyo Mega Pokemon Center. I was really excited to

go because I thought that there would be a lot more than just a store, since this is the biggest Pokemon center and all, however, it was pretty much just a massive store full of Pokemon themed stuff. I was a bit disappointed since I really looked forward to this but I think they sometimes have events when there are new games released and such.
Anyway... I had enough for one day since there where thousands of people at the dick festival and an enormous crowd in the Pokemon store, so this evening was spent watching Youtube and chilling out in the hostel.

Day 92
Today I went to Ginza with hope of finding new shoes. Needless to say I went past Nissan Crossing again to look at the new GT-R for 30 minutes before leaving. I couldn't find any shoes I wanted to buy but I did realize that my jacket is starting to break too. If I am really lucky I

can have it until I get back home but I highly doubt it.

I have one dream left here before I'm ready to go home in a month though and that is to climb mount Fuji. I'm not sure how I will do it since its off season, and I will have no place to sleep on the way up. It is also quite high so I don't want to do it alone with the risk of Acute Mountain Sickness. I'll figure it out tomorrow!

Day 93
I got very little sleep last night. The reality that I'm going back to Sweden and that I will likely go back to my old job dawned on me. I kind of want to go back home to see family and friends, but thinking about the factory kept me up all night. This journey have helped me grow so much, It's been so eye-opening and I feel incredibly grateful for everything that has happened. I have met some amazing people and my perspective has shifted countless times. There are times when I can't even relate to how I used to think a mere seven months ago and I'm baffled by it. This day was spent going to a new hostel and therefor I had a lot of time to think while walking around the new part of the city.

Since I want to avoid the factory so much, I must remain hopeful that I could actually succeed as a photographer within one month. I know that it sounds like the unrealistic dream of a child, but I don't care at this point. I'm going to work as hard as it takes to build my brand and keep this lifestyle.

Today I deeply missed my family because it's the first day I felt like it will become real. I know that there is 7 months of slaving away at that damned factory before then but I'm already sooooo ready to move here. I'm looking forward to hanging out with people after school, learn about the culture and taking pictures of beautiful Japan every day. I have fell in love with this country and I hope that it will be my reality early next year.

This became a very personal text. I was considering saving it for myself too look back on but it will be added to the travel log as well. New adventures await tomorrow and who knows, Maybe I'll find a travel buddy who wants to climb Mt Fuji?

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