
Day 102
When I woke up I wouldn't have guessed where this day would end. I spent most of it in the common room, just talking to the people who where working in the hostel and another guest. When the time went past 13:00 and I realized I missed breakfast and lunch, I decided to go on the train towards the west side of town. Here I came across some street food and a sign leading me towards the zoo.

Regardless of my emotions when it comes to wild predators in cages, I was still stuck with awe when I saw the Tiger. This majestic animal,

The striped king

April 16

Day 102
When I woke up I wouldn't have guessed where this day would end. I spent most of it in the common room, just talking to the people who where working in the hostel and another guest. When the time went past 13:00 and I realized I missed breakfast and lunch, I decided to go on the train towards the west side of town. Here I came across some street food and a sign leading me towards the zoo.

Regardless of my emotions when it comes to wild predators in cages, I was still stuck with awe when I saw the Tiger. This majestic animal,

like a king on his cliff watching all of us humans on the other side of the fence. He was one of the most majestic creatures I've ever seen, not only because of his posture and "Zaffi-like" paws but also because of the intense gaze these cats have. It's a strange feeling when a Tiger looks you in the eye, and I hope that one day I will meet one of his relatives in the wild, even if it would be much more dangerous. After seeing many of the other animals, some of which where obviously very bored and unhappy to be there, I decided I had enough and went back to the hostel. I also decided that I will no longer go to any type of zoo or animal park after this since it didn't feel right.

I haven't planned out tomorrow yet but what I do know is that I must take some time to plan out the rest of my journey so I get as much value out of it as possible!

Day 103
I spent the entire day talking with one of the hostel workers and pretty much only left the common room to get food and for golden hour. I met some fantastic people who work and live here and we had a long talk about life and after this long discussion I felt more certain that my plan would succeed.

Day 104
Today was all about walking around the city and looking for a new bag. I had to get one because I was running out of space with my smaller one. Me and a Dutch guy named René walked out at 12:00 and got some lunch before heading to a camera store, in there we looked at all the things we couldn't afford and I bought myself a new bag. On the way back the weather turned bad so we couldn't take any pictures anymore however, this turned out to be great since the hostel was fully booked when we got back. Two of the new guests where girls from Nagoya. To our surprise they showed enormous interest in us and taught us to fold cranes and stuff with origami. This was the first time where I felt like the language barrier took away from the experience, even if we had a great evening I wished I could talk to them without breaking for google translate and needing to guess and resorting to "Sign-language". Time passed by quickly and all went to sleep around 23:30.

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