
Day 114
I spent this day walking around Asakusa with René. He knew about a temple that had hanging flowers and a pond nearby so we decided to go there before sunset. It was a cool place, and there where lots of animals in the pond. We probably spent two hours here before deciding that it was now Beer 'o' clock... Three pints and a disturbing amount of chicken skewers later, I headed back through the temple area. At night it isn't as crowded and actually looks really nice. Unfortunately my drunk self couldn't manage to take any sharp pictures so I guess I will have to be back at this location an early morning instead! Tomorrow is Friday and another chance to go to Daikoku. Time to start planning.

Day 115
I stood on the outside of the fence and looked into this heaven on

Life in Tokyo.

April 16

Day 114
I spent this day walking around Asakusa with René. He knew about a temple that had hanging flowers and a pond nearby so we decided to go there before sunset. It was a cool place, and there where lots of animals in the pond. We probably spent two hours here before deciding that it was now Beer 'o' clock... Three pints and a disturbing amount of chicken skewers later, I headed back through the temple area. At night it isn't as crowded and actually looks really nice. Unfortunately my drunk self couldn't manage to take any sharp pictures so I guess I will have to be back at this location an early morning instead! Tomorrow is Friday and another chance to go to Daikoku. Time to start planning.

Day 115
I stood on the outside of the fence and looked into this heaven on

earth. Nobody said that the road to heaven was going to be easy but damn, it felt unfair. I'm talking about Daikoku PA. It had taken me three hours to get there only to realize that there is no way to enter by foot. The entire place is locked off like a prison unless you have the means to get there by car. The never ending stream of high power sports cars going in and out of the parking area made echoes between the highway bridges surrounding the parking lot. I decided that I could leave and be back not to late, in order to prepare to go again the next day. I don't know how I will get in, but I will somehow!

Day 116
Back to Yokohama! I met up with René and took the train to Yokohama. We where going to reach Daikoku PA at golden hour. Things don't always turn out the way you want though and this time a thunder storm stopped us. As soon as we left the station to get a taxi the sky started roaring with lightning and rain, and hail started to fall so heavily that I don't think anyone except for us would have been there. We decided to do the best with the situation and wait for the rain while taking amazing black and white photographs of a station exit. It is incredibly how much you can add to a picture by taking away color. When we realized that the rain wasn't going to stop we went back to check out some of the Itasha in Akihabara, before heading back to our hostels and preparing for the next day!

Day 117
Ginza had a festival going on today, parades from many universities where walking down one of the main roads and played various songs. It was extremely hot today and there for I just stood in the shade and watched, I got some video of it all but ended up not taking any good pictures. After going back to the hostel I met a bunch of Canadian people who offered me some beer and we talked until about 01:00 before I decided to get some sleep.

Day 118
Today was another one of those days that felt perfect simply by walking out in the city. I met up with René at his hostel and we decided to go to Roppongi hills. There was a big stage with some event going on and many people gathered in the nearby park to hang out and listen to music. We had lunch, took many pictures and After a few hours, I felt tired and headed back home. René got some really cool pictures of Tokyo tower at night although it costed him more than 2500 yen to go to the observation deck.

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