
Day 17
Everyone was excited. I had done my research, the group was expecting the ultimate shopping experience. The time was 09:00, me and Romi where waiting for the others to join us at Or2k. Two plates of pancakes later and the crew arrives. They ask me if I know where to go, and I told them; "Full disclaimer, I only heard one name from a local shopkeeper, after asking where to get some regular god-damned pants." They all laugh and ask me, "so whats the name?". Mahendra Chowk, this was the name that started it all. We walked over to the local bus stop and the first bus we saw was going to our destination. It costed us 25 rupees each and the ride took about 30 minutes.

We all went out of the bus, after the driver screamed Mehindrapool or something like that. We started asking the locals, and the shopkeepers around the area but no one knew anything about a big outdoors market. We found a shopping mall and I got a pair of standard jeans, Nadine got her boyfriend a pair of stupidly cheap "tims". When we got back on the outside, we started looking for the market for real though. One of the guards of the mall told us to go 100 meters north then take the first left. We where very disappointed, as soon as we went around the corner. I realized that I had led the group into a fruit market, a small fruit market...

We all had a good laugh about it and decided to go back for lunch. It's a shame we couldn't find an actual market, but at least two of us got some cool new stuff. I got a coconut and some much needed lunch. Tonight we will plan our journey to Chitwan, where hopefully the tigers will show up!

The market that was never found

April 16

Day 17
Everyone was excited. I had done my research, the group was expecting the ultimate shopping experience. The time was 09:00, me and Romi where waiting for the others to join us at Or2k. Two plates of pancakes later and the crew arrives. They ask me if I know where to go, and I told them; "Full disclaimer, I only heard one name from a local shopkeeper, after asking where to get some regular god-damned pants." They all laugh and ask me, "so whats the name?". Mahendra Chowk, this was the name that started it all. We walked over to the local bus stop and the first bus we saw was going to our destination. It costed us 25 rupees each and the ride took about 30 minutes.

We all went out of the bus, after the driver screamed Mehindrapool or something like that. We started asking the locals, and the shopkeepers around the area but no one knew anything about a big outdoors market. We found a shopping mall and I got a pair of standard jeans, Nadine got her boyfriend a pair of stupidly cheap "tims". When we got back on the outside, we started looking for the market for real though. One of the guards of the mall told us to go 100 meters north then take the first left. We where very disappointed, as soon as we went around the corner. I realized that I had led the group into a fruit market, a small fruit market...

We all had a good laugh about it and decided to go back for lunch. It's a shame we couldn't find an actual market, but at least two of us got some cool new stuff. I got a coconut and some much needed lunch. Tonight we will plan our journey to Chitwan, where hopefully the tigers will show up!

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