
Day 81
I got some new info about the cherry blossoms in the imperial palace of Kyoto. Apparently the trees there starts two weeks earlier than the rest and they where in full bloom! I finally had the chance to realize one of my dreams, and I did.

Me, Malthe and Johann took the train to Kyoto, arrived at bout 11:00 and walked around the imperial palace for about two hours. The gardens and the buildings where all very impressive, however it was pretty crowded. On the way out we got decided to get lunch and sesame ice cream. Next stop was the Zen gardens on the way to the philosophers path. I really enjoyed taking pictures here because the entire gardens are designed to be living art. It is so serene and so beautiful that we almost missed golden hour at the temple we where on the way to from the start! We eventually made it to Ginkaku-ji, "The silver pavilion". And when we did, we had 30 minutes to go through it all before they closed. I was happy to see it but would have liked to spend more time there before leaving.

Back in Osaka, we had some Korean BBQ, met up with Mayumi and went out for a few beers before bedtime!

Day 82
Today I tried to go out to the station and get pictures of people. Turns out this takes more planning than I had thought. The background can't just be anything, lighting needs to be right, some angles look

Day-trips for days.

April 16

Day 81
I got some new info about the cherry blossoms in the imperial palace of Kyoto. Apparently the trees there starts two weeks earlier than the rest and they where in full bloom! I finally had the chance to realize one of my dreams, and I did.

Me, Malthe and Johann took the train to Kyoto, arrived at bout 11:00 and walked around the imperial palace for about two hours. The gardens and the buildings where all very impressive, however it was pretty crowded. On the way out we got decided to get lunch and sesame ice cream. Next stop was the Zen gardens on the way to the philosophers path. I really enjoyed taking pictures here because the entire gardens are designed to be living art. It is so serene and so beautiful that we almost missed golden hour at the temple we where on the way to from the start! We eventually made it to Ginkaku-ji, "The silver pavilion". And when we did, we had 30 minutes to go through it all before they closed. I was happy to see it but would have liked to spend more time there before leaving.

Back in Osaka, we had some Korean BBQ, met up with Mayumi and went out for a few beers before bedtime!

Day 82
Today I tried to go out to the station and get pictures of people. Turns out this takes more planning than I had thought. The background can't just be anything, lighting needs to be right, some angles look

funny, they can't know that you are taking the picture and walking looks really weird when frozen in time. I got some decent ones but I would like to find a big white wall to use some more negative space for cool pictures. Anyway, This was my last night in Osaka and I wanted to spend it with Asumi and Mayumi. We met up at an Irish bar where a band Asumi knew played. We had beer and snacks, and I took many pictures of them, for which they where very happy and decided to pay me for with beer. When the clock was 02:00 I had to leave and it was really sad actually. I feel like I have known these people for so long and its only been about three weeks. After comforting a crying Mayumi, we said good bye and I promised that I would be back next year, no matter what.

I walked home and prepared for my last days in Kyoto.

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