
Day 11
I just got back from adventuring all day. Me and Romi woke up at 05:00. We had packed everything the day before, so we wouldn't wake up our friends. It was pitch black outside and we waited for the taxi driver on the road next to our hostel. He showed up at exactly the right time and we headed into town. Kelsey was standing next to the road, she was easy to spot because of her height and white hat. The driver told us that during the dark hours, it's not very smart to go through the jungle, also the neighboring area apparently had a huge problem with robberies. We decided to not push our luck and go with him to the top of the mountain, instead of walking there by foot. Once we arrived we met an old japanese couple who also wanted to see the view at sunrise. This turned out to be a great idea. I think we stayed there for three hours, it was sacred ground so we had to take our shoes off and walk on the cold mountain ground the entire time.

Peace Pagoda

April 16

Day 11
I just got back from adventuring all day. Me and Romi woke up at 05:00. We had packed everything the day before, so we wouldn't wake up our friends. It was pitch black outside and we waited for the taxi driver on the road next to our hostel. He showed up at exactly the right time and we headed into town. Kelsey was standing next to the road, she was easy to spot because of her height and white hat. The driver told us that during the dark hours, it's not very smart to go through the jungle, also the neighboring area apparently had a huge problem with robberies. We decided to not push our luck and go with him to the top of the mountain, instead of walking there by foot. Once we arrived we met an old japanese couple who also wanted to see the view at sunrise. This turned out to be a great idea. I think we stayed there for three hours, it was sacred ground so we had to take our shoes off and walk on the cold mountain ground the entire time.

The lake and city below was completely dark, but the peaks of the Annapurna mountain range was glowing in pink and red colors. The view we had was more than what I could have imagined. The sun kept rising and the mountains where shining like gold, naturally since this is 2019, we had to get upgraded profile pictures.

Breakfast time was long over due at this point. We got some tea and banana porridge, and started the walk down the mountain. It was steep, overgrown and full of lose rocks. In my opinion, good fun. It took us about 1 hour to reach the bottom of the mountain, where we payed to go across with an old nepali woman. We asked her if we could take pictures and she said yes, they turned out perfect.

It's now time for lunch, so I will head into the city and grab something to eat before i get some sleep back with an afternoon nap.

So, we are back at the hostel. The time is currently about 20:00 and everyone is happy with bellies full of Vietnamese food. Nadine gave me some dutch medicine for the cold, which I trust a lot more than over the counter antibiotics. Tomorrow is going to be a recovery day, and if I feel good enough, I might actually go paragliding.

Day 12
I do not feel good enough to make an adventure out of this day. For breakfast, I came across a small bakery that said gluten free bread on the door. I walked in and saw something I never thought possible in Nepal. They had banana muffins, buckwheat rolls and actual cheesecake, and I could eat it all. I spent about 500 rupees on muffins and bread, (two days worth of food) just because of excitement. When I went back to show the others, they all wanted to know where I got it. western baking is quite rare here. The clock is 10:30, I'm just going to hang out in the sunlight and try to get better with tea and curry. Maybe tomorrow will become an adventure!

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