
Day 83
Today I went back to Kyoto. I entered the Hostel at about 12:00 and locked my stuff in before having lunch. I went with a Canadian from the same hostel and we decided to get Yakitori at a place recommended to us, by the hostel receptionist. At night, I met up with Joshua and we had a beer and some shisha before I walked back home to get some actual good quality sleep. Tomorrow will be my last day in Kansai, and I will go to Nijo castle and the golden temple!

Day 84
Time to see yet another Temple. Today was all about Nijo-Castle and The golden pavilion. Me and the Canadian, "Bergen", Walked out of the hostel at 10:00, arrived at Nijo at about 10:40 and walked around the entire area, not missing a thing. The paintings in the temple where really impressive but visitors where not allowed to take pictures while inside the palace building. Gardens looked beautiful as ever and I found some cool roses that where two-colored.

We decided to get to the golden temple after lunch, failed

City of Temples.

April 16

Day 83
Today I went back to Kyoto. I entered the Hostel at about 12:00 and locked my stuff in before having lunch. I went with a Canadian from the same hostel and we decided to get Yakitori at a place recommended to us, by the hostel receptionist. At night, I met up with Joshua and we had a beer and some shisha before I walked back home to get some actual good quality sleep. Tomorrow will be my last day in Kansai, and I will go to Nijo castle and the golden temple!

Day 84
Time to see yet another Temple. Today was all about Nijo-Castle and The golden pavilion. Me and the Canadian, "Bergen", Walked out of the hostel at 10:00, arrived at Nijo at about 10:40 and walked around the entire area, not missing a thing. The paintings in the temple where really impressive but visitors where not allowed to take pictures while inside the palace building. Gardens looked beautiful as ever and I found some cool roses that where two-colored.

We decided to get to the golden temple after lunch, failed

with the buses and walked all the way over. It took about one hour to walk so it wasn't that big of a deal. Many people where visiting this temple and getting pictures was hard. Absolutely worth it though, It was a beautiful area with lots of fun things to see. The time is 18:10 now and I'm back at the hostel. I want to go out for food in an hour or two and get some proper sleep before heading to Tokyo tomorrow!

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