After much research web chats taxi quotes etc etc we have finally sorted out travel plans to Heathrow and back. So that's National Express £100 better off and our bank balance the same amount lighter lol. Coach fares paid to Heathrow and back with the added security of free replacement tickets if we are delayed on our flight back from San Francisco. It's getting closer and closer in 29 days we travel down to Heathrow.......can't wait!

John Grant

32 chapters

16 Apr 2020

Almost Done

August 04, 2016



After much research web chats taxi quotes etc etc we have finally sorted out travel plans to Heathrow and back. So that's National Express £100 better off and our bank balance the same amount lighter lol. Coach fares paid to Heathrow and back with the added security of free replacement tickets if we are delayed on our flight back from San Francisco. It's getting closer and closer in 29 days we travel down to Heathrow.......can't wait!

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