October - continued


8/10 E was great going to school today. Chloe, still poorly and now covered in bites. Poor little mite (excuse the pun). Wonder if bed bugs as bites in rows of 5, awful to look at. Discovered bin men come daily at Regal Park, definitely not the norm for India and obviously a massive improvement on fortnightly in UK! Pest control came, relieved they found nothing but now we're really puzzled how she's got these bites when all she's done is gone to the loo (lots) and lay on the sofa!? Guy came to change locks - he came and went 4 times before task was complete but at least now we have 2 sets of keys. Chloe seems much better.

9/10 Chloe now fully recovered, test gave the all clear. We are very impressed that test results come back at 4pm same day! Shopping is a whole new experience. Sweets or chewing gum seems to be considered a local currency (in the way of change anyway). Pete went to Russell's met his dad Dominic. Went on his scooter, yikes!! Cleaner came, Sonali, £1.25 an hour, she had spare keys after all that!

10/10 Went to beach but what a shock, only one shack open, they are in the process of being built. The beach was deserted, girls were very disappointed but we ended up having a good day. Pete took a pic of us with our new hats - that's what you call a hatrick haha!

12/10 Chloe back at school after being ill. She was very brave. Both in uniform. Shells went to mapusa for various things. Russell helped us get a van to take fridge and furniture from Siolim to regal park. An even better apartment now. Looked at getting school taxi for £18pm but would rather we did school run even if it costs £40pm. Both printer and Hoover from Amazon worked!!

13/10 E upset about school today. Going to speak to the principal see what we can do to help. Guy at moonshine is called Ganta. E seemed better at 11am. Teacher insists they all speak English and is getting her friend to sit next to her. Elec came to mend kitchen light. Might have a tutor for E and C thanks to Remi @ RP. Dinner at mango grove.

14/10 really enjoying taking my girls to school and picking them up. Poor E upset again but again she didn't want to come out at 11. Got buns off bread man for 3p each.


15/10 E not settling in. Said she was poorly when picked up from school. Thought about green meadows and RD schools but no place at GM and both long days. Now been here two weeks. Met axis bank and HDFD, both said cant put rupees in from sale of property. Check with pink zebra.

16/10 Met bill at pink zebra, he explained the Indian way. Found out we had an offer at 20k so we accepted it. He said there would be a way round the bank problem. Try SBI. Elodie much better at school today. Ordered her a doll from Amazon. Met sasha at restaurant near apartment. Very friendly character. Said he lost both his parents at 8. Is running a restaurant and beach shack at 23.

17/10 Elke rang me 7.30am saying our mam has couple days left now. Looked at flights . Went to boat shack saw attish and Seb. Saw Lorenz at Jackson's. Shacks are now ready but waiting for their licence to open

19/10 opened bank with SBI in one hour!!! Issued welcome kit with card, pin, Internet log in cheque book there and then. Very impressive. They say we can deposit rupees in?! Bought 3

burner gas stove for £41. Got inverter fitted for £240 half paid by landlord. Spoke to Elke it could be very soon now.

20/10 mining iron ore begins 3 years after it was banned due to corrupt licences. Just in time for the free fall of iron ore prices. The sewage sucker turned up 11.30 right outside our place and then again twice later! E got ear infection . Bought Chandon sparkling wine, after reading a few months ago that they were about to start making it in india. We now have a drinkable local wine!! Having dinner at a place on beach road when Elke rings…...

My mam died 8pm goa time. Thank god she isn't suffering any more. I love you mam. X

I will never forget that evening when Pete got the call. We were at The Curry House on Beach Road - don't think we'll be going back there again. Death is so final. We lost a Mother and doting Grandmother tonight so so sad.

21/10 E staying at home today to rest with me. Still getting the taxi to school, pretty cheap really at £2.50 return. It's a nice AC car now as well. Played princess cards and did some colouring and listing all countries and animals. Russell came with the gas had to go to mapusa for tube. Showed me saligao and attempts to smarten goa. Met couple from NZ who live in Bangalore for 9 months with 2 girls aged 3 and 5


22/10 X-ray showed on track. 3 weeks sling and 3 more until can lift heavy things. Doctor from UK again. Told me all about his daughters in London: CEO of IFDC and thermomix. Dashara public holiday. Roshan fitting all fans etc. he from olita, been working on the new hard rock hotel in calangute for 18 months. Born on Xmas day, 25 and lost both parents already. Booked flight home, what a nightmare.

23/10 Chatted again to Katie and Amish from Nz who are on 9mth work place to Bangalore with two girls aged 3 and 5.

24/10 met paul from Liverpool 51 arm in plaster doesn't know how. He bought one bed in HB 2004 for £8k. Interesting character. Found out might need doctor permission to fly, frantic calls and trip to bosio. Went to Russell's gig at Bandstand festival in volva. Four bands and russell. Brilliant night. Russell got paid £70 for just 20mins since 10pm curfew. Had Sopitel in bun from roadside vendor, gorgeous. Girls went to Jackson's for sunset.

25/10 went to bosio got my doctors letter. Had drink with Maureen and Derrick.

26/10 up 2am for flight back home. Arrived 4.30 sat chatting with Elke.

27/10 got my suit for the funeral. Went to purple pig with Elke and Stewart. Mary, Jean and Veronica came round.

28/10 met norman turvey at Appleby hope and Matthews in normanby. He has looked after our family for 35 years. Said highly unlikely bill could win if he challenged the will. Discussed the will and then went to the bank to close our mams account.


29/10 funeral today. Hard. Really good to see Bobby and Kathy Murdoch and Darren Whitfield and his parents. Also our John and Gary. Paula and stuey arrived in Goa today.

30/10 had lunch at Central Park where I had my 18th. Had drink with dicko and argy on the evening.

31/10 walked 4 miles to Jonathan Nertneys house not spoke to him much for many years. Met his children Francesca and Twins miles and ? Found out David keen is living in Poole with Wendy copping. Bumped into mark mclay from Virgin not seen him for 20years!

29/10 Mum and Dad arrived today. OMG the relief I really don't know what I would do without them. Girls also ecstatic.

31/10 Feeling a bit more settled now. Obviously we will have to adjust as a family losing Emily. Chloe doesn't seem to quite get it but Elodie is devastated. Very difficult to explain to a 6 year old. Also I'm worried about Pete's collarbone. Can it really heal in 6 weeks? Terrified girls will get sick, we are using hand gel like there is no tomorrow, not taking chances. Never want to see my darling ill like Chloe was - though a little voice inside me is telling me it is inevitable. Some things I am grateful for:
The sun: every day the sun shines, most days there a thunder storm in around 5/6pm. The coconut palms a dark green against a backdrop of a sky that is bright blue, not a cloud to be seen. It's so heart warming (both physically and mentally).
The school run: a 6 minute, taxi ride full of wonder and sights. Cows, chickens, the temple with music blaring out Mondays and Thursdays, cyclists, scooters galore, all carrying their wares and produce - fascinating.
The pool: how spoilt are these kids having a pool, so much for going back to basics
Mosquito screens: after sooo many years of having to close all windows and doors at dusk for a couple of hours it's wonderful being able to keep everything open, although with the humidity as it is there's not much of a breeze....yet.
The local green grocers/market: getting two days worth of vegetables for 30p - small quantities of chillies, ginger and coriander are free - love it!
The people: all the locals are so friendly, many I feel already I could call on in an emergency
The local hospital: 5 minute walk away through the quiet back roads. You can just turn up and see a doctor very quickly, day or night, test results are back that day.
Gin and Tonic: Pete woked out it costs us 25p for a double AND it keeps the mozzys away :)
Family time: how blessed are we having this time as a family, no stress of work.
Mum and Dad: living within a walk of 5 minutes from Mum and Dad for 6 months is a dream come true. It's great just to be able to pop in for a cuppa. Feel so blessed.

Really must focus on these positives moving forward.

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