

November seemed to be over in a flash and before we knew it we were into December. If November had felt eventful, full of new experiences, December was ridiculous. Not only Christmas and New Year but 3 birthdays, Dad's Pete's and of course my 40th. Good old Mum had remembered Advent Calendars (as always). It's the first year BOTH girls actually geddit! It's so lovely watching their excitement build and great what the threat of no Christmas presents can do. We couldn't believe it when we got home one day who was sat outside the door but Charlotte the Christmas Elf. The girls danced with

glee that she came all the way to India. Countdown to 25th begins!

2/12 Super eve at Over The Flames with Rajasthani folk group. The group is incredibly talented. Even though we couldn't understand the lyrics, they sing so beautifully we could feel the story. Elodie and Chloe were transfixed, especially when the female performer danced with a pot of fire on her head and when, sitting crossed legged, she lent forward from her hips and extracted money from a glass on the floor with her teeth. 'Wow', the girls exclaimed. Us girls had great fun dancing. We couldn't persuade Daddy to get involved haha. The most entertaining part was a really drunk guy getting involved, he gave me 10 rupees for my efforts!

6/12 Mapusa market – pronounced ‘Mapsa’. We’ve been to Mapusa many a time. I’ve often taken the bus – since it’s exciting, you never quite know what’s going to happen and there’s always music blaring out – oh and it’s only 15p. On 6th December I took Pete for the first time. He loved it and as most people are, was fascinated by the running of this local service. The rules on the bus are very amusing and include ‘no spitting’. Mapusa Market is vast and busy. There is such a vibrant mix of wares and people. This day Pete and I went for Masala Dosas, a delicious pancake made from rice four, filled with spicy potatoes – love them (35p).

It was also Jackson’s DJ launch night. Pete was headlining, out of the 4 he was the only one that played!!

8/12 Elodie did 30 lengths today WOW well done darling!

9/12 Girls started private tuition today with Marya, Chloe’s teacher. She lives SoMy Resort, Calangute. She’s lovely, girls are very happy and after weeks of trying to find a suitable tutor so are we. The girls are very impressed with Toto, the family tortoise!

11/12 Open morning at school to get exam results. Straight A’s across the board for both of them. Well done our clever, little girls!!

13/12 Trip to Splashdown. Only in India would you find a water park with: a huge open well with no cover, drunken groups of

middle age men trying to grab small children and a dance floor with banging tunes which by dancing on it activates a serious of ceiling sprinklers – did the girls get a shock or what!!

The restaurant is surprisingly good and reasonable. Had delicious lunch of Dal, Chana Masala and naans. Washed down with Kingfisher. There were some interesting plaques on the wall promoting the health benefits of various alcohol – it all

sounded good to us.

14/12 Dad’s birthday. Went round to see him in the morning and he ended up making us all egg on toast lol, some birthday. Had great eve at Himalaya. Dad’s cake was sooooooo good. Chloe shared my sentiments “can you ask Gaga for more cake please? I know it’s not my birthday but I just love it and want loads”. Russel and Ryan also came for cake.

15/12 Had lunch at beach and took some photos in our Christmas hats! Chloe met a little boy called Jase and was very much taken with him, even considering him as a possible future husband despite loving Rufus.

17/12 Bumped into Jase at Marya’s. Chloe delighted. Went to Russel’s for dinner. His parents Margaret and Dominic are adorable. They had prepared a feast off Goan cuisine, including, malai prawns, beef chops, roast beef and Sopital, and interesting mix of offal - not Shells cup of tea. The only strange thing was Russell's family didn't eat with us. They laid out the feast on a big table and then just watched us eat. Bizarre. They said they would eat later. Lift back in the jeep – girls beside themselves with excitement!

19/12 My 40th. Wow what an amazing weekend. All a complete surprise. I'm so grateful to my lovely family. Pete had been up since 5am blowing up balloons and had put along the balcony. I couldn’t believe how many cards and presents had made it to Goa. I felt so blessed. Mum and Dad came in the morning, Mum had put together some photo albums of my life so far, such an effort bless her. They had also arranged a surprise lunch at the Marriott in Panjim, Nick and Aneeto, Cecile and Michael all came. I had the BEST fish curry.

After lunch we were whisked off to Nilaya up in the hills of Arpora, one of my favourite places ever. Lovely time. We had the music room to ourselves and danced til midnight (girls included).

20/12 Girls were so sweet sleeping top n tail in their four poster bed. Chloe woke first (surprise, surprise) and we had a lovely cuddle in bed. Pete had terrible migraine and so me and girls

went to explore. Saw lots of birdies, kicking myself for not bringing binoculars – I’ve done this each time we’ve stayed here. Had lovely breakfast with stunning view then pool time. Pete in bed all morning but managed a beer with lunch. I had 2 large glasses of sauvignon blanc and so felt half cut. Back to our beloved music rooms to watch the girls do some shows. I was the happiest 40 year old - obviously I was trying not to focus on the age. We got back to Candolim late afternoon, but my birthday weekend wasn’t over yet. We went for sunset drinks at the rooftop of Acacia – spectacular view! Thank you my wonderful family for showing me such a good time.

21/12 School Christmas party. Girls had great time. I helped serve food, it was absolute mayhem. It may have seemed less civilised than UK but it was seriously good fun, the Christmas music playing was practically dance version carols and was blaring out - deafening. It was super hot and strange celebrating Christmas in such a climate when we’re so used to associating Christmas with cold weather. As with all Christmas party’s it wouldn’t be the same without a visit from Father Christmas and all the children getting a small gift.

24/12 Christmas Eve – super night with Mum and Dad at Rising Waves. Girls very impressed with magician, and the calamari!! They played with the owners children all night, was great, got a free bottle of wine! No-one wanted another drink really and it wasn't exactly our favourite but naturally we drank it anyway, after all it was Christmas. Bed much later than I had wanted quelle surprise.

25/12 Christmas Day was finally here and we were very relieved and thrilled to discover Father Christmas had come all the way to India. The girls gave us the best present ever - they slept until 8am!!!

Girls got some lovely little presents and didn’t seem disappointed that they hadn’t got the big toys they’d wanted originally, our trip to India paying off. One of the gifts was a little ceramic piggy bank each (literally a pink pig). We were intrigued to see that there was no hole for which to get money out - like the piggy banks we grew up with. The idea is that once it's full of coins only then do you smash it open to get the money. Elodie opened hers and was so chuffed until she dropped it a few minutes later. Lots of tears. Chloe very kindly said that they could share hers. Went to Palm Springs for breakie. Such a treat not having to cook. Girls had a very unorthodox Christmas breakfast of egg and chips.

Went to Mum and Dad’s, SUCH a good time. Ahhhhh so lovely to have the family together. Zak came for a beer SO good to see him. Mum did a superb dinner. We dranks LOTS of wine so it was certainly a merry Christmas (I started about midday, what was I thinking). Girls were angels and made our Christmas and we thanked God for them. They make Christmas special. Skyped Jase, Jules,Oscar, Woz and Sue and Elke and everyone in Middlesbrough. Then it was time to think of Emily, the first Christmas without her. So sad.

26/12 I did yoga with Zak (regretting drinking all that vino). Was a good class though. The plan was to walk along beach to Bon Appetit but Elodie said she didn't want to that she didn’t feel well. Not like her. She wanted to go to Nanny and Grandad’s to rest, then Clo wanted to come too so we all ended back at Mum and Dads. We cancelled our evening to Moonshine with Mum and Dad but then last minute Elodie felt better so we went. So glad as we had FANTASTIC food. It really is some of the best we’ve had in Goa. Seseme coated seared tuna, ginger battered calamari, prawn and papaya salad. Still can't hear the owner when he speaks. The perfect Boxing Day eve.

28/12 Pete’s 45th birthday. Another fab day/eve. In amongst the craziness of the last couple of weeks, we’d managed to arrange a really special day. Went to Baba au Rhum for lunch – superb food in a unique, super cool, chilled setting. Had good chat with owner Dinah about schools in the area.
Manesh and Bella, who coincidentally were over from UK for a family wedding came in the avo. Was so good to see them then we all headed down to Jasckons for a sunset party. Great evening with old friends, Manesh, Bella, Zak, Claudia, Julie, Larry and new friends, Cecile, Mickey, Angela, Moritz, his brother Max, visiting from Germany for a week and Russell. Sunset party finished at midnight, don’t know how the girls lasted so long. The day was only marred by Mum being ill so unable to come – we missed you Paula and Stuey!!

29/12 Did some reflexology today. A couple I met at yoga. They really enjoyed and have booked in again. Feels good to be back in the saddle. Pete went to Supersonic with Zak and Julie. Mum still not well but had girls anyway bless them. I took girls to Mango Grove for dinner, had delicious dish Mushroom Gobi – oh Man was it tasty. Girls got a much needed early night!

New Years Eve – had lunch with Zak etc at Boat Shack. Girls had lovely time, they love being with Zak and Claudia – cos they’re young haha. Also caught up with Sheryl, Shannon and their cousins. Amazing how they all just carried on from where they left off. We could’ve stayed all night BUT a long night lay ahead so we headed back to get ready. Our New Years Eve continued with dinner at L’Orange with Nanny and Gaga. We were the only ones in, which was heartbreaking, it's definitely not my favourite place but Pete and Mum love the pork chops there but its hard to appreciate with zero ambiance. Then we went to the rooftop bar of Acacia, which was conveniently next door for cocktails with Zak, Claudia, Julie and Larry. Back to Mum and Dad’s for girls to have nap – bad idea as we couldn’t’ wake them up, when we did eventually manage to, the poor kids were like zombies, we practically had to run down to the beach to catch midnight, us and about 2 thousand others, scary. But at least Pete and I shared a bottle of fizz in peace with Mum and Dad on the Honey Bee. You can’t beat New Year here on Candolim beach it really is spectacular. The beach is heaving, thousands of people join

together to see in the new year and once the clock strikes midnight the sky is filled with fireworks being set off right along the stretch of beach from Aguada to Baga, I'm guessing it's about 3km, wonderful (strictly speaking it wasn't the stroke of midnight random fireworks are going off all night but a few minutes before and after the sky is indeed full, a reflection of a few watches not set to the correct time). Elodie and Chloe seemed utterly bewildered, the evening nap was definitely not one of my finer ideas. Luckily mum was there and sat with them and held them close, ahhhhhh. Their little faces were a picture. Zac and the others joined us just after midnight. We did a Chinese Lantern in memory of Emily – it took a few attempts - they are not as easy as they look haha. Another first occasion without Emily. Hard for Pete. Pete Dj’d 2-3am. Elodie and Chloe fell asleep, despite the music blaring out, must have

been so exhausted bless them. Pete and I had one last drink together then went home. The party was still in full swing at the beach, in all the bars and in the streets. I'd never seen anything quite like it. People were extremely inebriated and we weren't exactly sober so it was quite a task getting our precious girls home. Surely this is the last year we have to carry them home from somewhere? Somehow I know it's not! I was cursing myself, not for the first time that night, for getting them up, still as we say in our family it's all character building

and everything's an experience. We got home at 4am, one of our latest in Goa, probably the latest. We prayed to God that Chloe didn't wake at 6am!!

Christmas Eve at Rising Waves!

Pete's Birthday. Super, memorable evening down at Jacksons Beach shack!

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