Railay Beach, Krabi


26/04 Packed for Railay. Ferry 1.30 met Canadian lady called Elena travelling with her 5 year old son Alex, working remotely. She had a bag full of toys which she tipped out at the front of the boat. Luckily there was hardly anyone on the lower deck. Kids had fun time. The time went very quickly. Coming into Railay by boat is breath taking, it’s all the more special knowing that you can only reach this part of Krabi by boat. The ferry was too big to take us to shore so little boats, came out to meet us, holding no more than 10 or so people. It felt so adventurous. The scenery is stunning, more so than Lanta and

a million more times than Phuket haha! Room not as good but set beneath the cliffs which is amazing, plus girls delighted as there is a pool. We were still in the pool at sunset when all of a sudden we were surrounded by monkeys, two different types, super cool (and a bit scary). The hotel isn’t great really. The reviews on Trip Advisor was pretty poor and we had to agree. There’s an awful wild cat problem here – it’s horrible, they’re everywhere. Had BBQ crcodile and blue marlin for dinner – Elodie LOVED the Marlin.

27/04 Had a rude awakening about 6am – woke us all up, so annoying. Turns out they change the water tank which is right on our roof and they do it EVERY morning. We complained but the lady on reception is a complete B. Looked at another couple of rooms and although they have AC they don’t have fans. Decided to stay with our room. Breakfast buffet is ok. Eggs and pancakes to order which girls appreciate. Did pool in the morning. Walked to west beach to go kayaking. Monkeys

tried to attack our bag of stuff on the way, super scary, you think of monkies as so cute but actually they’re rather quite vicious. We had a giggle later as we were really trying to laugh it off in front of kids but we both admitted we were terrified. It’s pretty cool here, such a novelty having no traffic, it reminds me of Palolem. Elodie was very brave kayaking but Chloe was too scared. She tried a couple of times but just couldn’t bring herself to do it – ahhhh, she’s only little. We took turns with Elodie – beautiful being out in the sea, looking back at the bay. Then we settled down for the most amazing sunset after kayaking. We were terrified on the way back in case we were attacked by monkeys!!


28/04 Poor Chloe sick at breakfast in a big way. I think the quality of the food is questionable. Loads of people on Trip Advisor reported having bad tummies after breakieIt’s the best she’s eaten as well. Eggs, fruit, pancakes, toast – probably why

she was sick lol. Pete went to postpone our snorkelling trip until tomorrow. We bid a hasty retreat to our room, sick still there as no staff around to clear it up, I glanced back to see about 4 cats pounce on the table and start lapping the sick up – seriously grossed us out but I guess it saved the lazy staff a job. About half an hour later Elodie had the runs. Chloe seemed fine ironically but thank goodness we cancelled the trip with Elodie’s bot – not good. Pete took C later to diamond cave,

really good, saw lots of bats!! Shells watched a movie with Ellie. Chloe went out on balcony to eat sandwiches and all the monkeys came! They are very vicious and strong, a large male tried to open our door, thank goodness we’d locked it otherwise he would have been in. Exciting but really scary. Met English guys on a group trip. They recommended last Bar so we had dinner there. E fell running downhill in flip flops and had some nasty grazes. One particularly bad on top of her foot.

29/04 Not one of our better days. 5 Island boat trip starting with Chicken Island. It wasn’t one of our more successful trips to say the least. Chloe disappointed as she thought we were going to an Island with lots of chickens but we just went past an Island that looked vaguely like a chicken. Chloe flatly

refused to snorkel off the boat. Then poor E in agony with the saltwater stinging her wounds, we could not calm her down for ages, she did no more snorkelling, swimming or walking after that. Pete had runs at beach after lunch. Indian toilet with no paper…there’s a first time for everything!!! Walked back from Phranang Beach very interesting walk past all the caves. Hot hot hot and we were taking turns carrying Elodie, it’s times like this we really wish the baby years back, boy is she getting big. Chloe played for ages on own in pool when we got back, making food with stones. Very creative. Did de nits. Clo was laughing in her sleep, as she often does, first time Pete had heard it.

30/04 Lazy day because of Elodie’s wounds, one particularly looks bad, infected almost, dousing it with Betadine (that’s Better Dean) every couple of hours. We just sat in our AC room, watching movies, reading, playing IT head. So hot outside anyway 40+ degrees. E so disappointed as we had to cancel rock climbing, the girl there from Germany, said she’d

also had a cut on her leg, she’d been to the doctors, apparently the climate make it very difficult for anything heal, she was on anti-biotics to kill the infection, she’d been really poorly with it. We didn’t venture out that day – took advantage of AC, got take away pancakes for dinner - yum!!

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