Hong Kong



Great flight, everything went to plan. Met Jamie and Scarlet and their nanny Mae. Went to the Americam Club for kids soft play and drinks/food. Met Anya/Pierre, Richard/Amy and Greg and Sarah and the boys. E and Ollie getting on really well. Mae baby sat whilst we went back out to a couple of bars, one of which was smugglers. Met Dan, Mark, Lucy and Phillip who we met on Goa. Great eve but not the same without Naomi (she was in Sydney with Rhys for his treatment).

28/05 Jamie took us out on his speedboat around the different bays of HK, stopping for a very brief (due to jelly fish and shark nets) swim!! Lunch on Lamma island, we were the only ones there. Girls had play date at Ollie and Richie’s. Early night; we watched episode one of peaky blinders season 3.

29/05 Taxi to the peak to do the trail around it. Realised lost

the keys but very lucky we got hold of Mae quite quickly and she came with a spare!! Managed to finish the trail. Tourist info people very helpful re keys and mentioned a place in HK station for great dim sum, top tip! Early night. Booked Disney Land. Very special treat for the girls.

30/05 S had really bad cramps again, doubled up in pain, almost couldn’t go to Disney Land. Pains subsided after taking 3 different type of medication as prescribed in Ko Lanta. Girls were so excited. There's even a special Disney train, the windows are mini mouse shaped and had princess statues throughout. Beautiful sunny, hot day. The only flaw was the online booking cocked up one ticket so had to pay again and reclaim, they gave us some fast track tickets though which

came in handy. Disney was superb! Mainly the shows and the parades. The fireworks in time to music at the end was as magical as we dreamt it could be. Don’t know who enjoyed more, Shells or the girls!! Very long day but worth it. Goa keys still not sorted for Thursday eeeeeeek.

31/05 Went to Ocean Park with Mae. It was a bit disappointing though as Elodie measured 1.1m and most of the rides were 1.2m, despite Shells piling all her hair on top of her head in a bun, lots of tears. Though 10 out of 10 for perseverance, the poor kid tried over and over again, it was heart breaking. The aquarium, sharks, Dolphins and penguins were great. Found out Sonali can't get us the key as she’s in Karnataka, bummer, so we will have to get lock picked and changed when we get back and stay in hotel for the first couple of nights. Russell

helping us out.

JUNE 2016

01/06 Went for very authentic dim sum at Ding Dim (since )1968 on Elgin Street, some of it was a bit yikes hahahah. Met Mae there, Naomi had asked her to take the girls off our hands but it was all very complicated and awkward, so we declined the offer, shame as girls adore her. She also offered to come in the morning to fix us breakfast but we felt it would be easier just to have a couple of pieces of toast. Went to the Brewdog Bar, Pete v happy as had his first IPA and 5AM for 8 months!! Afternoon at American club so girls could play with Ollie and Richie. Girls had a ball, swimming first then soft play. Sarah arranged for a cake for Ollie, to celebrate his birthday (next month). All lovely and great for the kids. Got take out from the American Club of salmon with quinoa – sooooo delicious. Watched Zoolander. Got a shock, at a certain point in the film, noticed Elodie just standing there in the doorway, it was about

11pm, don’t know how long she’d been there – yikes!


02/06 And so our Asia trip has come to an end. Taxi picked us to take us to airport. Flight on time, was fab to hook up with KG at KL.

So happy to be going back to our beloved Goa. It’s been an amazing 10 weeks but we are ready to settle back into a normal (relatively) routine. What an adventure but nothing compares to Goa for us. Great journey. Shells was exhausted. Girls v sweet letting her lie down on plane. Chloe stroking her head - put her to sleep. Elodie loving her book, Roald Dahl, James and the Giant Peach. Everything went to plan though nightmare arriving at Hotel Leela, Candolim, no booking, no one there. It was 10:30pm. Luckily we had called earlier or we would have been really stuck. Ended up in Tina Inn, opposite Newtons. Pete very angry. Took ages trying to sort it out. Both girls asleep on Shells in back of taxi. Shells was sweating boyo!! But OMG how nice to get into an AC room. Goa is hot, hot, hot!!

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