Goa - October

Regal Park, Candolim, Goa, 01.10.2015

When we saw Regal Park and our apartment we couldn’t believe our luck. The site is stunning and our apartment, lovely. It felt like a dream come true. We all had showers, unpacked essentials then passed out.
When we woke the kids couldn’t wait to hit the pool. As soon as they were in we heard the distant rumbles of thunder, then it started raining, the girls were squealing in glee, the rain was warm, they were in a swimming pool and it was raining, how exciting, a few minutes later there was a crack of lightening, ‘right, out of the pool’, as we legged it to our new apartment, the heavens opened. We dashed inside for shelter. Pete went out for provisions, as the rains went from downpour to biblical. Thank goodness our apartment was a few steps up as below the balcony was a river of water. Pete had been gone for quite some time, the feeling of excitement turned into mild concern.

Elodie was terrified for Daddy bless her. Just as I started to really worry, there was the taxi and out jumped Pete. ‘Hurrah’, I thought, until I heard a bang and a clatter. I dashed out to see him on the floor, he’d slipped on the wet tiles. It was not good, we could see a bone sticking out under the skin near his shoulder. Luckily Bosio hospital is 2 minutes away. An X-Ray half an hour later confirmed our suspicions. A broken collar bone! Over the next few days my sense of adventure deserted me.

02/10 back to hospital to see specialist. He did 25yrs in UK now retired in goa, doing 1.5 hours a day charity work. His daughter lives in Chiswick. Will take 6wks to heal, X-ray at 3wks. Asked Mr P what the group of men was opp RP and it was taxi drivers meeting for the start of the season. E wiped Cs bum for first time. Both of us went old school with Nokia phones for our local Indian sim. Lots of power cuts tonight, girls are at fisherman cove and brought me a take away

03/10 Chloe been sick. Only once, ok now. Lunch mango. S took E to mapusa for shoes. Me and C played dibble and watch cartoons on £5 a month Sky Tv.

Triple checked with Karen that nothing else can be done for my shoulder. Called future

hope school, girls go 10am Monday for introduction, very exciting! Dinner at fisherman cove again with all of us.

4/10 lunch number 4 at mango. E played in pool 3 x and did a dive for first time. No wifi yet. Dinner at himalaya, the boys were there: addis and arion, they go to future hope. Played uno together very good game. Having only one set of keys an issue, owners don't have spare but don't want to change locks - not ideal.

5/10 very eventful day, we met people at future hope school, said start tomorrow. Saw the boys from himalaya. Found out no toilet paper, proper Indian style. Then took girls to tailors to

get measured, cost £26 for four dresses and shirts. Went to mapusa got school shoes from bata , new sandals from market and other bits. Lunch mango then girls in pool. Early dinner at fishermens cove, lots lightning and rain. Chloe had been up in night with bad tummy.

06/10 very brave girls did their first day at school today!!
Mainly dads doing drop off and pick up. Water fountain has cup they all share. Poor Chloe not well with bad stomach. Heavens opened 5mins after girls hit the pool. Guys came round to fix shower, toilet, tap, remote and fit kitchen fan. Crisps 10p polo mints 5p, it's like the 70s. Dinner at himalaya. Shopping on Amazon.in cash on delivery and get some stuff by 11am next day! Chloe really suffering looks like gastro enteriti.....s

07/10 Chloe up twice in night until 2am. Nothing until 730. Poor E didn't want to go to school today, prob cos C not going. Said no one speaks English, they say a prayer in Hindi and it's boring because she is more advanced. Negotiated one hour for the pool but she said she wanted to stay, so proud of my girl!! Very brave in a new country

and strong accents/mix of English and foreign language. S took Chloe to doctors. It's Bacterial, hope it's gone in couple days. Had dominos pizza delivered

How I wish I was back home. Can't bear to see my poor little darling Chloe in so much pain. Really can't see us staying here for more than 6 months. Wonder if we've done the right thing coming here. Poor Elodie not happy at new school, I don't blame her, such a culture shock. Power cuts are a bloody nightmare. There are so many mosquitos, the minute we open the front door we are attacked, grrrr, hateful things. The heat and humidity is unbelievable and my poor Maudey with a broken collarbone. I am seriously thinking, 'GET ME OUT OF HERE'. Having one set of keys, not only ideal, a complete pain AND I'm terrified that we might lose them! I want to be back in Surrey, with loved ones and 5 spare set of keys.

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