The Planning

Jan 2015 - August 2015, 01.01.2016

It turned out the math's worked and the spreadsheet said yes. Yet still I didn't believe we were actually going to do it. Until this day. March 20th 2015, Pete came home from work and said he'd handed his notice in. Yikes, I thought, he's serious! It was at this point I faltered, what were we thinking of? We had a wonderful life. Pete had a great career. My Reflexology business was just taking off, I was finally doing something I felt genuinely passionate about. We had fantastic family, friends and neighbours. We felt blessed with everything we had. Why on earth would we throw it all away for the sake of wanting more time together? The conclusion we came to is simple, life's too short. The girls would be grown up before we knew it and we may never get the opportunity to do something like this again. It was no longer merely about spending time as a family but a once in a life time experience, the chance to live another life, travel Asia whilst we had our health and energy to do it. Another key deciding factor was Elodie and Chloe. Being 6 and 4 they were happy to go along with it. After all, our old life would still be there in 12 months time. It was from this date we started some serious planning and we learnt the hard way that moving to Goa wasn't THAT simple.....

Significant moments captured on film, Covent Garden the day we went to the High Commission of India. We were so elated and went for a celebratory burger!! Little Chloe was missing

her big sister as she said, 'it's boring without her!'. Children's Workshop leavers ceremony. What an emotional day. Saying goodbye to Vladimir, swimming instructor and Chloe's first certificate. We will always remember the wonderful time the girls had there. Goodbye the Orchard School - the PERFECT introduction to education. We miss you more than we thought possible. Rainbows summer picnic, a fantastic club for girls. Matilda summer workshop, so proud of you Elodie!

Nov 2014 - Feb 2015
Poor Mum and Dad spent hours checking out accommodation for us (for which we will be eternally grateful for). Our original remit was:
2 Bedroom

We were shocked at some of the prices we were quoted. We decided it was worthwhile increasing our budget by 25% and getting a lot more for our money. We ended up with:
A fully furnished 2 bed apartment, Within a stunning gated complex, 24hr security, Fitted kitchen, Washing machine, TV/DVD player, Sky TV, AC, Pool

Not quite what we originally had in mind but by Jove are we happy with what we got. It was hard enough moving to India with two small children - I don't know how we would have managed without some of the home comforts we were accustomed to!

Another thing that changed during this period was our plan for education. Originally we had decided on a private tutor to teach the children at home however, on reflection (and advice of many friends) we decided that it would be best that the children go to school. So again it was left to poor Mum and Dad to sort. They visited a number of schools, managed to find one, that wasn't quite as bad as the others and get the girls registered already for when we arrived.

Mum and Dad - don't know what we would have done without you!

15th June 2015
Let the house. It took 4 weeks to get the contract signed. Stress!

26th June
Meeting at the High Commission of India in attempt to get a 2 year visa.

17th July
Received our 2 year visas - massive achievement. Meant we wouldn't have to travel back to UK every 6 months. Oh the joy. By this time we were already entertaining the idea that we may stay 18 months as it seemed silly going back to UK in October, just as the nights would be drawing in and summer was over.

1st August
Shells family get together at 19 Summer Ave. Fab weekend. Dinner at Petris Saturday - great (late) night. Lovely summer's evening - had to remind myself why we were leaving UK!!

14th August
Leaving party on the Wisp. Such a wonderful time with all our

friends and neighbours. Oooh you guys made it very difficult for us to leave, too lovely for words.

21st August
Last day with Emma, girls (and us) very sad.

28th August
Our last night at 19 Summer Avenue. Removal van, final packing. A night in town to take our minds off, girls loved Mama Mia, fortunately the adult themes went over their heads!

29/8 Trip to Middlesbrough to say goodbye to family. Very sad and hard.

1/9 Over to Shell's Mum and Dad's. Pete back to work on Monday.

14/9 Tragic day. Cousin Karen rang to say Emily had collapsed and been rushed to hospital, the cancer had spread to her brain. No cure. Gutting absolutely. Everyone in shock.

18/09/15 my last day at ubisoft, almost 10years. Had an amazing send off with a funny speech by Rob and an even funnier video by Jon, Gary and Phil. They got me pioneer DJ headphones, chocolates champagne and craft ale and a St Christopher. Very thoughtful Met Mark at the Euston tap then Camden brew dog and bus to dirty burger. biggest disappointment since alton towers, wont be going there again.

19/09/15 up very early to get train to Liverpool to see my girls. Had great time down New Brighton at the Seaside Café and playing crazy golf. Girls found it hilarious saying, wa, wa, wa,

waaaaaaaaaa, every time someone missed a shot.

20/9 The hardest day ever. Middlesbrough to say goodbye. Heartbreaking.

22/9 - Holiday to Agde. We had a super 2 bedroom apartment right on the river. The weather was beautiful, every day we woke to bright blue skies and glorious sunshine. The beach was quiet, a couple of days almost empty and I was filled with wonder, as I often am after a couple of hours at the beach, at just how much fun kids can have with a bucket and spade! Emily on our minds constantly.

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