

22/01 The day has finally come for our first family backpacking trip. We managed to pack 3 weeks worth of clothes in a back pack each. All responsible for our own belongings. Girls looked like proper little travellers. Lunch at Baba au Rhum, potentially our last civilised meal for a while! The train was delayed by 90 minutes, not bad for Indian standards. We watched a great sunset from the station. Very happy to be taking Pete and girls on train for first time, though apprehensive and wonder how we are going to fill 16hours. We

needn't have worried. Girls loved it. It was such a great experience for them. Mum and Dad were in a different carriage, a good activity walking down to see them, their carriage more fun than ours, girls had 'trick finger chopper', hours of entertainment! It was soon bedtime. Girls slept fine but we struggled, we were paranoid girls might be abducted so despite them having a bed each we slept with them. I with Elodie, Pete with Chloe.

23/01 Had Omelet roll for breakfast from one of the food wallahs, surprisingly good. There's all sorts of wallahs. Water wallah, chai wallah (the girls loved the chai). Coffee, cold drink, crisps, curries - it's brilliant. Most of the passengers bring their own food, which as we are in India, consists of various curries and breads. As we're watching them trying to mop up the mess, from the table, floor and themselves, Pete says, 'sandwiches would be so much more practical'. Met guy from Aluva on train told us to get off there and get bus to Cherterla so we all got off, we made a quick executive decision - communicated to Mum and Dad, the next minute we were there and jumping off. Shells was sure Mum and Dad hadn't made it but thank God they had. Wow it was hot off the train and it was only 10am. Quickly dressed the girls in little sun dresses - they got a LOT of attention. We seemed to be the only whities in Alva. Bus journey complete nightmare at first as no seats and was so bumpy. Hard to balance with backpacks, trying to hold girls. We found ourselves stuck in a massive traffic jam - they're building a mono rail (?!). Once we got seats we could relax (a bit). Got tuk tuk to Love Dale Lakeside. Amina came out to greet us at the gate. What a fab place,

immediately felt at home, the setting is breathtaking. It gives the impression you're staying on a large boat. It is a birdwatchers paradise. There are kingfishers, paddy birds, bee eaters and Cormarants in abundance. Shells was kicking herself for not bringing her binoculars but Steve (one of other guests) very kindly lent us his. She was in heaven. Our room was clean and bright with a lovely view out to the garden. No fridge, TV, AC or hot water but it didn't matter - when the setting is THIS magical you can do without most things! Amina rustled up a quick lunch of fried fish, Dahl and Paratta's -mmmm delicious. Anshad, the owner (Amina's husband) arrived and informed us that the other guests were all from UK, some of them Halifax. We all had a much needed siesta and when we woke the other guests were back from their day out.

The other guests were mainly UK people who are Involved with a local orphanage/foster home type village: called Hope. Steve and Liz, Alan and Margaret, Shirley and Sheryl, Chris and Danielle. The story of Hope is fascinating, the founder John Veitch from Halifax set it up in 1995. It is home to 100 orphaned or destitute children. They grow up in a family setting and unlike other orphanages continue to support as long as support is required. The UK crew were planning a trip to V*** for one of the girls, now grown up and married, baby's christening. Their story was both moving and inspirational.

Anshad and Amina, the owners of Love Dale are wonderful people. They can't do enough for you. Food is superb and plentiful. Met great coupl Rob and Kelly from Swindon, she's an artist, she designs, mandalas. Elodie and Chloe were fascinated and would just sit and watch her draw, lovely. Went to a Hindu festival with zero tourists there (except us Love Dale guests). Great eve! The Elephants were the star of the show. Then it was back to Love Dale for dinner, it was great getting to know everyone, very socialable. Kerala is a lot cleaner than Goa so far, no cows either. Vey hot though.

24/01 Amazing breakfast of omelette, pineapple juice and uttapem. There was lots more on the table - soooo much food. Lazy day. Walked to the village (got auto back as it was sooooo hot). A local invited us into his home and gave the girls flowers. So friendly. had lunch at love dale. Went to Hope foster village. Very moving and inspiring what they have achieved and how caring the children are. It was there summer party. The girls were invited to join in the party games. They kept winning at pass the parcel. It was err awkward. We've never willed our children to lose so much. We were all shattered, putting the girls to bed after dinner put us to sleep.

It must have been before 9pm!

25/01 Went to pool next door and got ripped off but at least girls had fun. We said goodbye to Kelly and Rob who were off to Munnar. We were really sad to see them go, despite only knowing them a couple of days. The rest of the day was spent lazing around. Girls played for hours with a hat and a hammock?! The song, "Busy doing nothing.....", comes to mind. We'd booked a sunset boat trip, however, the 'boat' was more of a 'canoe', we could barely fit in, if Pete so much as moved an arm the boat really rocked, funny. Elodie was terrified at first. It was a super trip once we relaxed. The highlight of the trip was when the girls started singing the Indian National anthem as they often do (as they sing it every morning at school) and the captain joined in, a magical, priceless moment. Dinner that eve was a sombre affair, not sure why, maybe because Kelly and Rob had gone. We really missed them and wished them back with us.

26/01 We decided to sponsor Varsha at Hope Village and met her today. She is 11, her parents split, her Mother has serious health condition and her Father is a severe alcoholic. Her sister Arsha also with her, they have been there 8 months. Tuk tuk guy, Manu. took us all the way to Allepey for a ferry ride down the canal and then the beach. Ferry cost £2.40 instead of £60 in a house boat for the same super views of the backwaters. Manu tried to persuade us not to go to Allepey beach, wish we'd listened, total dump. So he took us to Marari beach - much better. Manu asked us to go to his home but it was getting late - wish we'd gone. Had dinner with Alan and Margaret, they taught Elodie to learn her times tables with playing cards. Alan told me more about Chris and his roofing business and the charity and it's trustees and issues. Lovely evening. We put the girls to bed and then came back out. Anshad got his brandy out - fortunately there wasn't much in the bottle or it could've been a late one!

27/01 Said goodbye to Anshad and Amina and Alan Margaret - we will remember them forever. With a heavy heart we got a cab to Kottayham where the next part of our Keralan adventure awaits.

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