The Journey


The day we flew to Goa was here at last. Our dear friend Katherine took us to London Heathrow, the LAST goodbye, so hard. She took this picture of us. Why doesn't saying goodbye get any easier? The past few weeks had been so emotionally draining. All the 'last time' for things and the hundreds of goodbyes were just awful. Thoughts of Emily with us constantly. I felt like I'd aged about 20 years. That said, the journey was unbelievably easy and the girls were angels. There was a softplay at Heathrow and they loved having their own TV console on the plane. Elodie got a new book, Minions - she read it in one go! They fell asleep (finally) at Mumbai airport, it was 1am UK time! The air con made it very chilly, so we had to use all we had to cover the girls. They looked so peaceful, typical we had to wake them up 20 minutes later for our connecting flight to Goa. They walked onto our connecting

flight like dazed little rabbits. Haha this was nothing compared to what was in store for them!

Stepping off that plane was like walking into a sauna. Wow was it hot, it was only 6am, the sun only just rising and already it was 27 degrees, the humidity was ridiculous (by our standards anyway). Ryan was there to greet us, our taxi driver and friend of many years. It’s lovely to be waved goodbye by a friendly face at the airport, just as it is to be greeted by one.
The journey to Candolim is about an hour and a half. We couldn’t wait to get to our new home, we were so hot and sticky and desperately in need of a shower. I'd packed a couple of light sun dresses and flip flops for them to change into but it made no difference, within minutes their hair was matted with perspiration, Elodie couldn't get enough water bless her - it

doesn't bode well for her lol.

Sarah from the management company had emailed to say she had assumed we wouldn’t be moving in until the afternoon and could we find somewhere to camp until then. Imagine our delight when she text to say there was a master key in a little box on the wall outside, as long as we didn’t mind letting ourselves in. Praise the Lord!

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