Snowdon Sunset

Llanberis , 06.18.2021

After several Covid enforced rearrangements we finally got to do our sunset/night hike up Snowdon. At 3,560 feet it is the highest peak in Wales, and the highest in the British Isles other than those in the Scottish Highlands.

Stopped over en route on the Thursday at a very nice CL at Frodsham which we had to ourselves, always a dilemma when presented with a choice of all 5 pitches. After 2 attempts we settled, pleasant walk into Frodsham in the afternoon. Called for beers at Netherton Hall, entertainment provided by a meeting in progress which led to much gloating by me having to no longer be concerned about such nonsense for the time being. Had a pleasant chat with a

couple who turned out to be the business owners as they left.

Easy journey to Llanberis next day, very scenic once in Wales with the North Wales gateway hugging the coast before heading toward the hills. The sun came out, and stayed out for the weekend resulting in more smugness as I understand it rained most everywhere else and at home.

Friday afternoon was spent sat in the warm Welsh sunshine on site, which we were very impressed with. Immaculately kept and a real warm welcome, not used a Morris Leisuresite before and I would not think twice to in the future. Not cheap though, but get what you pay for - great location.

On to our hike; I’d bought this as a present for Mrs H as she’d hinted would like to see a sunset so I decided to walk up 3,560 feet to see one. Decided on a guided walk, not for navigation purposes as even we can’t get lost on the

Llanberis path, but for safety as the descent was to be in the dark. I hear this route is processional on a weekend and the summit triumphantly flagged by tourists in sandals cheating by using the mountain railway, we had none of that nonsense. We met at the mountain railway at 6, and our friendly group of 15 set off escorted by the 3 guides at 6:30 aiming to summit at 9:45 for sunset. Views were stunning and whilst steep in many places the climb was manageable. The group split according to their own paces, and we were the oldest by some way, after the closest to our vintage, party of 3 dropped out about half way. Inevitably Tracey fell, but no damage done and we peaked! Best views and sunset were just before the top, we were very fortunate. It was cold at the trig point and we were encouraged to get moving back down as some serious looking clouds were rolling in.

The descent was fine, better than I thought as I expected to go base over apex on the loose screed steep sections. Head torches were needed from about half way down, and we got back to the van at 0:15. Daisy was in her basket and asleep within seconds! In fairness to Daisy dog she did great for a little pooch and her joining us was not in the plan, enforced by Katie’s self isolation; which she thoroughly enjoyed-not.

A word on the guides, interesting to chat to and knowledgeable about Snowdonia, reassuring to have on hand as Snowdon is a serious hill and stuff happens, weather changes etc; but that said the tales of prowes in all outdoor activities one particular, pleasant, albeit chap regaled in became a bit tedious heard several times. A mountain climbing, fell running, surfing champion, endurance running, wild camping, Bear Gryhls superman type escorted us… we were close to ready to try an alternative use for our walking poles.

Next day I was rather smug once again as no aches and pains, but Mrs H was suffering with sore legs etc so I suggested a nice easy lakeside walk; turned out to be another 8km circuit half of which was a bit slopey as it turned out. Lovely views across Lake Padran, but I was definitely not popular with my much better half. A few beers in the village was called for and much enjoyed, and it was nice to bump into a couple who were on our walk last night and compare notes. Sat next to some Welsh speakers who were enjoying an adult beverage enthusiastically, the Welsh F word is the same as ours apparently.

Headed home on Sunday leaving behind blue skies, sunshine and a promise to come back to see more of a beautiful area we’ve not seen enough of. Driven to come home only to take the ‘van in yet again for warranty repairs (more later in a Chapter yet to be written) softened by a pleasant afternoon BBQ with Tom & Emma for Fathers Day, and nice presents from all.

A week at home now, waiting return of the ‘van and catching up on gardening and domestics.

Driving with Daisy


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