France Part Two - Week 1

Annecy, 09.06.2021

No issues going through the tunnel, happily with no body cavity searches to be endured for any illicit slices of ham or cheese. Health certificate for Daisy was fine, whizzed through with no problem other than we now have to call her “Davey” as App seems to think she’s called & we’re also stuck with 1/2 tonne of fish based food for her as we complied with the no meat over the border Brexit nonsense. Sardine & Salmon, which is nice.

Arrived in France via Eurotunnel on Monday 6th September and took the easy and familiar drive to Guigincourt (north of Reims) for an overnight stay at Camping au Bord de l'Aisne. Quiet village just off the main route south with my pleasant walks along the river next the site.

Worth mentioning the refuelling stop at the services, confronted by most of the pumps closed off (we’re near empty at this point) and most people seemed to be there to clean their windscreens. Approaching a pump, the attendant ran over and gave a grand “non” gesture with arms folded. We worked out that pre payment was needed, whilst I saw to that I looked back over toward the van to see the forecourt surrounded by Gendarmerie, probably about 5 vans in all. Mrs H sitting there bemused fearing being arrested for not displaying the new Angles Mortes stickers. We managed to evade incarceration and still no idea what that was about.

Decided then to stay a couple of nights at Dole in Jura region, lovely site within an easy walk of the very pretty town. The “Little Venice” area was especially scenic, birthplace of Louis Pasteur, nice restaurants alongside canals. The town is historic with a quaint centre and we enjoyed 2 nice

evenings in the local “pub”, Covid Pass Sanitaire is obligatory and straightforward and used everywhere. Last night there we were a bit freaked out by the local twat boy racers in 1.1l Clios spooking us as we walked by the unlit section back to the site along a canal and sports stadium. No idea what they shouted at us, but I think they were intent on causing some unpleasant injuries to us in this dark place. We survived to tell the tale with no diplomatic incident occurring. The site we used was was Camping du Pasquier, a bargain when using the ASCI card. Worth remembering for next time there is a free Aire even nearer the town. Sunny and hot few days so far.

We next decided to visit Annecy, an area I’d wanted to see for some time. Our SatNav is a lying evil piece of technology and we should have learned by now that when she says 2 1/2 hours she means 5, even along the easy and quiet French toll roads. Spectacular drive however once off the A39 and heading in

the direction of the Swiss border, tunnels and impressive viaducts with improving scenery as we edge South East. As we hit Annecy traffic was a little French and it was a testing drive through, lots of queues for us to enjoy. We’d not booked a site but fancied Camping Le Panoramic, which as it turned out was a little too high above the lake for ease so we turned around on this increasingly hairpin road and drove back to lakeside. All the good sites were “Complet” which was something we’d not planned on, and with receptions closing at 18:00 (again a learning curve) we rang our last choice and got on just in time into International du Lac d'Annecy just outside Saint-Jorioz. The site was pretty much empty, probably because it does not accept ASCI which makes a huge cost difference outside of high season. It was also set well back from the lake and next to the main road, albeit that didn’t bother us. There is a fabulous dedicated cycle track around the lake, with some serious cycling taking place as well as leisurely family riding. Nearly got wiped out poking my nose out from the direct access gate onto this track from the site taking

Daisy for her morning shit. The Thursday was a little overcast and we had a few showers but still enjoyed a bike ride by the lake into Annecy (an easy 9km away). We decided to call in at another site to have a look around and we booked in until the Monday 13th as the weather had settled back to golden balls. So the Saturday saw us upstick all of 10 minutes up the road to Les Rives du Lac, a lot busier but nice and quiet and nearer stuff and right on the lake. It’s a stunning place, very beautiful.

Our plans for Sunday to cycle the 40 ish km around the lake were scuppered the moment we tried to join the path joining the site, it was like the M25 with a round lake run/cycling race in progress. Nice to see though and we later took advice from an English couple who told us much of the route was closed, so we decided to have a lazy day instead (van recorded 30 degrees, don’t envy the runners). I went for a swim in the lake, and apart from a wander along to the nearest village where the bar owner took a shine to Tracey Tracey Tracey

a largely uneventful pleasant day in the sun.

Last full day here tomorrow before moving further south on Tuesday, more updates to follow.

Decided on the Monday morning to extend our stay until Wednesday which luckily proved possible as the site is still full. Cycled around Lake Annecy today, 40km in total and so we’ll geared up for cycling with dedicated lanes the majority of the way. Lovely lunch stop overlooking the lake, and back in time for a shop top up and then beers, baguette and Boursin in the last of the mid September evening sun.

Driving with Daisy


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