Aussie Travel 2023 - Part 2

A little further down the road in a small village called Ilfracombe we saw an amazing collection of old trucks, tractors, and earth-moving equipment at the side of the road. We had to stop so Bulla could have a look at this collection. I stayed in the car and waited…..and waited…...and waited…..and waited….. until I had a brilliant idea how to tempt him to get back into the car and carry on driving to Longreach. I phoned him (too lazy to get out) and suggested – as it was only about 15 minutes out of Longreach - he should take a drive from Longreach once we have set up camp and take his time looking at all the machinery while I’d stay back in the caravan. He agreed and we carried on driving.

Julia Morrison

26 Blogs

Jun 25

Tractors and Earth Moving Equipment

June 25



A little further down the road in a small village called Ilfracombe we saw an amazing collection of old trucks, tractors, and earth-moving equipment at the side of the road. We had to stop so Bulla could have a look at this collection. I stayed in the car and waited…..and waited…...and waited…..and waited….. until I had a brilliant idea how to tempt him to get back into the car and carry on driving to Longreach. I phoned him (too lazy to get out) and suggested – as it was only about 15 minutes out of Longreach - he should take a drive from Longreach once we have set up camp and take his time looking at all the machinery while I’d stay back in the caravan. He agreed and we carried on driving.

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