Aussie Travel 2023 - Part 2

We left Rockhampton to go west, and Bulla suggested to visit the Blackdown Tableland National Park. He found a bush camp that sounded really nice, and we made our way there. It was 25km off the main road going right into the forest and as I was reading about it on our app, we realized that we needed to book as the spaces for camping were allocated. So, we phoned and booked for a couple of nights.

The access road got more and more rugged as higher we went and at times, I thought we would come to a standstill, but Elsie managed to make it all the way up to the remote camp. Much later I read that the access road is suitable for camper trailers only and not caravans…… Once we had made it to the camp, we looked for our allocated space between the trees, parked up and made ourselves comfortable.

Well, I don’t know what it is but somehow, I have realized that forests with lots of trees that reach far high into the sky are not for me. These remote forests make me want to run away as fast as I can and the urge to leave the forest was immense. I didn’t want to let Bulla know as he felt the opposite to me, he loved the remoteness of this camp and was busy collecting firewood and looking forward to lighting a fire as it was getting dark.

I had a terrible night lying awake and trying to deal with my anxiety attacks. I tried to find some sleep while listening to Bulla happily snoring next to me. It didn’t work and I don’t think I got more than a couple of hours rest. In the morning I tried to be brave and not show how I felt but…….that didn’t work either!

So, we packed up faster than ever before and left the camp. And the closer we got to civilization, the better I felt. Phew, what an experience! I never knew!

Julia Morrison

26 Blogs

Jun 25

Rockhampton Going West

June 25



We left Rockhampton to go west, and Bulla suggested to visit the Blackdown Tableland National Park. He found a bush camp that sounded really nice, and we made our way there. It was 25km off the main road going right into the forest and as I was reading about it on our app, we realized that we needed to book as the spaces for camping were allocated. So, we phoned and booked for a couple of nights.

The access road got more and more rugged as higher we went and at times, I thought we would come to a standstill, but Elsie managed to make it all the way up to the remote camp. Much later I read that the access road is suitable for camper trailers only and not caravans…… Once we had made it to the camp, we looked for our allocated space between the trees, parked up and made ourselves comfortable.

Well, I don’t know what it is but somehow, I have realized that forests with lots of trees that reach far high into the sky are not for me. These remote forests make me want to run away as fast as I can and the urge to leave the forest was immense. I didn’t want to let Bulla know as he felt the opposite to me, he loved the remoteness of this camp and was busy collecting firewood and looking forward to lighting a fire as it was getting dark.

I had a terrible night lying awake and trying to deal with my anxiety attacks. I tried to find some sleep while listening to Bulla happily snoring next to me. It didn’t work and I don’t think I got more than a couple of hours rest. In the morning I tried to be brave and not show how I felt but…….that didn’t work either!

So, we packed up faster than ever before and left the camp. And the closer we got to civilization, the better I felt. Phew, what an experience! I never knew!

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