Aussie Travel 2023 - Part 2

The forecast was correct, and Monday was a grey day with a bit of drizzle. We set up our caravan in the camp in the Kinkuna National Park and decided to stay for at least a couple of nights. Tuesday was still overcast but it didn’t stop us from taking a drive through and around Bundaberg and it was the first time that we saw the eastern coastline of Australia. It was beautiful even with grey clouds in the sky. We eventually also saw kangaroos at the side of the road. This time they weren’t the dead ones but groups of kangaroos happily and lazily lying or hopping around enjoying nature.

Julia Morrison

26 Blogs

Jun 25

Bundaberg – 3 to 9-7-2023

June 25



The forecast was correct, and Monday was a grey day with a bit of drizzle. We set up our caravan in the camp in the Kinkuna National Park and decided to stay for at least a couple of nights. Tuesday was still overcast but it didn’t stop us from taking a drive through and around Bundaberg and it was the first time that we saw the eastern coastline of Australia. It was beautiful even with grey clouds in the sky. We eventually also saw kangaroos at the side of the road. This time they weren’t the dead ones but groups of kangaroos happily and lazily lying or hopping around enjoying nature.

With the awning protecting us from the rain, Bulla finally started getting out all his equipment and tools and working on installing our fancy electrical system. By the end of the day, he was proud to announce that we can now use our Nespresso Coffee machine, microwave, charge my computer, and other appliances that the normal battery system wouldn’t be able to cope with. Phew, what a mission and we are both ecstatically happy that it finally works!!!

Unfortunately, due to having had so much fun spending my time with crocheting (even while sitting next to Bulla driving through the countryside), I developed tenosynovitis (Sehnenscheidenentzuendung) in my right wrist und was no longer able to move or use my right arm or hand. The pain was severe and even worse, I couldn’t do anything besides reading and sitting around watching the birds and the bees. On the positive, I had a break from doing the dishes and other ‘housework’ I usually do.

On the Internet I read that this condition can take 4-6 weeks – some articles even mentioned 3-6 months - to fully heal, while keeping your wrist still and without putting any strain on. Not what I wanted to hear, especially while traveling through Australia and with all the craft projects and other activities we have planned. I remembered a technique called EFT (or ‘tapping’) and to cut a long story short after applying this technique twice I can now move my arm again like normal. I am still wearing the brace and try to be careful but there is no longer any pain that restricts me from doing anything I’d like to do. However, for the time being, I have buried my craft projects and will wait a bit until I carry on crocheting my blanket or making more hat hangers.

Looking out the window one day I saw this huge lizard slowly making its way along our camp. We called him Larry and he apparently lives in the area. After walking past our caravan Larry climbed up a tree and sat there for a while giving us the chance to take some photos. It was a monitor lizard and about 1.5m long. Exciting to see a reptile we don’t have in New Zealand, especially given the size it was.

We decided to stay a few more days at this lovely little camp and to leave on Monday to go to Hervey Bay in order to plan and book our K’Gari (Fraser) Island visit. K’Gari Island is the largest sand island in the world and we are looking forward to see its beauty. Bulla can't wait to drive on the beaches and experience the sites which he has been so avidly watching on YouTube. He is finally going to have his dream come true and take Elsie up and down the beaches and dunes. It's one of his bucket list items here in Australia!

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