Week 15


Pretty normal week again, lots of baking, playing discovering the mirror, eating croque monsieur and painting the bath. Normal ae. Weather with ups and downs and falling back into old habits.. Changed my room =D Rearranged it pretty much completely and added a new duvet cover (thank you warehouse for only costing me 20 NZD) and a little shoe rack. Now that my bed is under the window, the rest of it looks like a ballroom =P

My car is starting to fail on me... Ok, I shouldn't have left my lights on, even though it was only for 5 minutes. Luckily we were just at the shop where they were gonna install Kim's bluetooth thingy and the guy (thank you Steve, hope you enjoyed your thanks-cake) was able to get me started right away.

I think they are getting to know me pretty well at Bedrock =P Love the Tuesday 2 for 1 special =D And this time I could show Kira this great place. I decided to finally go for an other dish (did regret it at one point) and really enjoyed sitting outside, chatting, feeling comfortable... After that we got back to my (newly organized) room to make plans for the weekend of the 21st... Hopefully Mount Cook will finally show himself to me! Especially because we are going hiking (from 900m to 1900m) and are spending the night at the Mueller Hut. Let's start lighting some candles!

Nele told me that she is definitely coming!! Whoop whoop! I started planning the South part (easy peasy) and look up the flights.. But then comes the tricky part.. The North is all new for me, the ferry is quiet expensive and because we would like to go Bali too, it would mean I have to drive all the way back down on my own (and again a very pricy ferry...). I'm trying to find a fixed travel now, but that costs a lot more of course. =( Thank goodness Bali is cheap ass =P

Been told of (well, Kim was) by Pop for taking all these pictures of Grace with a dirty face... I can't help it that this is how she spends most of her time :( ;) Hehe. I'll do my best, but I can't promise!

Friday was a day off for Mid and North Canterbury and there were some races Kim and Greg were attending, so kids got to go to Nanma and Pop's to play with Harry and Mads! I was there too, but I had to earn my money for a possibly new battery and did 3 hours of weeding... I'm sooo sorry back.. I promise I won't do it again for 2 days :P

Tomorrow (yes, it is a Friday evening and I'm in bed at 9.00 pm updating my diary..) I'll pick up the kids early so Keith and Carol can go to the market and in the afternoon Kim and Greg will be back. Than I'll prepare some picnic for Sunday and in the evening Anna-Lena is coming! Been a while since I saw here, so looking forward!
On Sunday we'll go to Christchurch and depending on the weather, we'll see what we're going to do. Good weather: Riccarton Market, City Center (maybe some climbing) and Godley Head; bad weather: a museum, City center and definitely climbing at clip 'n climb (looks awesome!). Really feel like going!
Soooo, the picking up part already started wrong.. Or should I say "didn't start at all". Stupid battery! Luckily Kim and Greg know someone who can get me a good secondhand for not that much money (few!). Kids were dropped of by Nanma and we played heaps!

The afternoon went quickly with some planning and around 4, Anna Lena arrived. It was too soon for tee so I showed her how to make Pavlova (or something like it). Once again, looked great when it came out the oven, broke down in A LOT of pieces. Thanks goodness you put a massive pile of whipped cream on top and some pineapple to finish the thing. Taste was still pretty good though (and so were fish and chips). We were going to watch 'the longest ride' but since we kept on talking beforehand, I felt asleep a few times (I had already seen it, so no problem) but still enjoyed Scott Eastwood's good looks =P

Sunday started of slowly (the weather wasn't any good anyway) and then we hit the road to the Riccarton Racecourse Farmers Market. Nice place, yummy kebab lunch and perfect to buy our picnic for the evening. After that we went downtown to the botanical gardens, re:start mall and a few other streets of the city center. Afterwards it was time to get active at clip 'n' climb which is as cool as it looked on the website! A bit weird that no one is holding you and if you slip, you go all the way down (slowly of coarse) but awesome walls! And then the moment supreme (for Anna Lena at least): the drive and little hike at Godley Head! I'm so happy she absolutely loved it! We both enjoyed it and our bickies (and ciabatta bread) from the market tasted delicious (although I still don't see why they call them Belgian). An AMAZING day with lots of laughter!! THANKS ANNA!

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