Week 7


Birthday week!! Whiiiihoew!

Monday started of with a blur... I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies.. Forgot half of the butter.. Batter didn't stick together and when I realized it and added the other half.. I broke the kitchen robot.. Grrrr
Luckily a package arrived and made everything better again! I couldn't wait 2 more days and just opened it.. The Longest Ride DVD, Mumford and Son's newest CD, a New-Zealand style apron and a tea holder.. I loved it all.. But who was it from. Card said "Us" so I assumed it was from the Wall-family...

Guess again!

On Tuesday I got my second box from home =D Heaps and heaps of chocolate and pictures!! Mmmmm
Tuesday evening was birthday dinner time with Greg, Kim, Keith, Carol and the kids.. I love the Bedrock grill, but I love the company even more! The birthday card from Pop and Nanma almost made me cry (happy tears, don't worry) and I love the Daffodils that brighten up my room.
Of course, not everything is about me this week.. Kids need to learn some things too.. Like putting on hoodies (Jack) or taking their shoes and jersey off (Grace)...
Wednesday the 16th of September.. Happy birthday to me! More cards, more gifts, balloons, songs (very original by my niece and nephew) and awesome weather... A Skype with the fam and an amazing day with supersweet kids, supersweet leftover cupcakes and heaps of happy moments.. I literally screamed "I love my New-Zealand 28th birthday!!" (been a long time since I loved my birthday)

The outside lounge we got was not really my present, but I just imagine it is and when I leave I just tell them they can keep it because my suitcase is not big enough ;)

The rest of the week I was still in my birthday bubble (yes, I ordered those other things online myself and yes, most of it isn't even for me, but getting a package with your name on is always awesome) and I even got another card from Maddie =D

We did our first real messy play (meaning, bath was ready for after).. A big box (thank you lounge), homemade finger-paint and two kids in their undies... Jack started of a bit shy, but it didn't take long before he got to the real exploring part and got feet and hands in the containers with paint. Grace thought the box was a bit overwhelming and kept the fun with dancing (and after a while doing some painting from the outside)..

I also made some colored pasta (easy peasy with white vinegar and food coloring; to be continued with heaps of rice and our outside play table that is supposed to be used with water) to do some counting and patterns (Jack) and fine moto (Grace).

Jack loves letters and has some sort of tablet and books with which he self-taught all of them. Because the toy makes a lot of noise and becomes rather annoying after a while, I decided to make our own version so he can try and make his own words (Jack, Mum, Ellen...)

Friday we painted our hands we made out of salt dough and then it was time to pack for the farm and go.. It was sheering time so a lot to do and see... McLeod's Daughter feeling, here I come again =D I love taking pictures of lots of beautiful (grand)father-son moments and mother-daughter walks.. Still no Mt. Cook or bright bright blue water, but heaps of weekends on the farm left... =D

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