Week 14


Monday was a HOT day! Almost too hot! We had to put up the tent for some extra shade and didn't spend any time in the sun because it was just too much. It does give a good vibe though.. And a verrrry good excuse to eat ice cream! YUM!

After that things went downhill.. Cloudy/rainy weather on Tuesday and Wednesday and Jack who got sick. Even Grace was not in here normal doing. Bleh! We had to postpone all the yummy ideas I had until Thursday when they were getting a bit better (and so did the weather). We prepared some greek yoghurt, kiwi fruit and banana popsicles and made delicious whole wheat banana pancakes. See, I can do healthy baking too! =D

The evenings have been pretty busy. Tuesday we had a surprise dinner for Audrey. Lotti, Laura and I got to Bedrock early and Grainne did such a good job hiding the surprise that Audrey thought we were just out for tee (she wasn't even gone yet and these bitches went out without here). Hihi, thanks Grainne for explaining to her that we did this FOR her =D

Wednesday was time for a date.. Not a really good one, I must add.. Well, it could have been an amazing one if the guy would have been just a tad more romantic. The view @ Godley Head (and on the road up and down there) was amazing, the pub was super cozy with the great live band, but he had no idea what to talk about (his words, not mine) even after I asked him heaps of questions.. Not a good first date, dude!

Like I said, Thursday everything and everyone got better again and we were able to go out for some playtime at Nanma's and Pop's playground (which they expanded with an extra swing set).
In the evening it was more time with the girls (and the actual last time I would see Audrey in a long time!). Grainne, Audrey, Laura, Kira and I drove to New Brighton by Christchurch to see the Gay Fawks fireworks. I never thought so many people would have come to watch that one! Amazing! The spectacle was on the theme songs of 'back to the future'. I didn't really know it, but I enjoyed it so much. I didn't want to take my eyes of the fireworks, so thank you Laura for that picture =P

Friday was a day of doing absolutely nothing (except for spending some time with the kids and doing some washing and folding).

Saturday was birthday party time! Happy birthday, Mads (I know, not until Tuesday, but you didn't wait with the gifts eater). I'm happy you decided to take us to the Hororata Highland Games for a great picnic and some guys in skirts doing crazy things. She seemed pretty happy with all the owl gifts and my little hint to put her secret diary in her new owl pillow will probably be followed. Btw, I love that you named it "owllen" (last name B'owl'guim) =D

Sunday was time for a first... Weeding between the saffron plants (but that's not the exciting part) and having my first whitebait.. White little fishies that are NZ delicacy. I'm usually not a big fan of eating fish with eyeballs and all (learning to eat fish, let alone their eyes as well... :S) But Carol's way of making it was approved! To bad Keith, you'll have to share them now. Even the asparagus on my plate are starting to become tasty... I was never a big fan of them and ate them with a lot of white sauce and mashed potatoes, but they're growing on me.

Get started right away!

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