Week 13


No big travel plans this week.. Monday was a sleepy day. Since we had been driving until 2 in the morning and I had slept in the car, it was hard to go to sleep after that (even after all the lack off the past few nights). I did kind of sleep the entire day trough.. The rest of the family got back home in the afternoon and we slowly rolled back into our weekly routine. Baking (cutting strawberries to put into our jelly, my very first homemade Pavlova and even making our very own pizza's), playing (with home made play dough), paining trees, making birthday cards... Tuesday I got a visit from Kira. Always lovely to see her and talk to her. Goes effortless!
I also decided to try to live a little bit more healthy again. I'm going to try to do some more healthy baking, eat less snacks and do more cardio instead of muscle training (also because my shoulder is f*cked up).

On Friday we visited mum at the A&P Ashburton show were they were showing all sorts of machinery, animals and heaps of horses jumping (Jack loved that the most!) We even found a "my little pony" with purple hair and all.. Jack was pretty keen on feeding the animals (horses, goat and calfs) but Grace stayed a bit on the background.

Saturday morning I got back (Kim had to work for about an hour so I was able to go with her) to watch the stands slowly (and buy the same herbs as Kim did ;P ) After that we all drove to Rolleston for a coffee date with Nana and Grandad and got to Isobel's birthday party. She is such a cutie! You can't help falling in love with that pretty little face..
It took us a bit longer than expected, but I was still on time to take the girls to Mayfield for Laura's birthday BBQ and than we got back to Ashvegas for Audrey's goodbye drink. We got dressed up (it was Halloween after all) and went to Braided were we weren't allowed in because of the face paint! Back to Audrey's (were Lotti got so drunk she didn't even get in Print Room) and after that to the club. I was knackered so didn't stay long (especially because I promised Nanma I would learn how to pick peonies in the morning).

Sunday was a lovely day to go flower picking and it's not as easy as you would think.. The pink ones are a bit more obvious when to cut, but the red ones were tricky (Pop doesn't even do those)! I was glad to be of any help and it is quiet cool to spend some extra time with Carol and getting to know more about her, the flowers and the rest of the family ( (bring on the embarrassing stories!)
I didn't get up to watch the game (bloody 5 o'clock in the morning, are you nuts!) but we did win!! Whoop whoop! Back to back champions! Well done Daniel, Ritchie and all the others (whose names I don't really know but who are pretty nuts and huge)!

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