Week 4


Under the moto: a picture says more than a thousand words... (not really in a writing mode this week..)

The only thing I couldn't capture in a frame and was so funny to see (reminded me of the "the doggy ate my ouce cweam"-scene from Full House) was that Grace put her bowl with muffin in her little red chair. As soon as she turned around, Barney ate her cupcake.. Grace couldn't say anything, but she showed me the bowl and pointed at Barney... =D

We went on our regular duck feeding trip and we made some delicious chocolate chip cookies for which Jack had to get his hands dirty (finger-painting, there is hope!)

Not very bright weather, made me go back to my childhood (and middle age and current age) and brought up the desire to build a tent.. Sunroom available: CHECK; table: CHECK; blanket: CHECK; fun and a bicky: CHECK AND CHECK!

Ow, I got to put the kids in bath and Grace to bed.. First time that I was all alone (with the kids of course) for the evening.. I prepared myself for a lot of drama and I got my bribing things in my mind.. I didn't even had to use them! I did have to explain to Jack again that mum and dad were out for tea, just like they had told him before and after that, no biggy!

(I am getting into a writing mode.. Still, plenty of pictures =D )

Since I'm here as an educator.. Of course I have to teach these kids some things.. First of all.. They have to be cool (like their au pair) so I'm teaching them to say "you got it, dude" (sorry, I'm a sucker for Full House). And with that comes the big thumb.. Which is the tricky part. Even Jack has some difficulties to get his thumb up high. But hey, that's what I'm here for!

Second I've been trying to learn Jack, is were he lives. He now proudly shouts out: Charles Street, ASHBURTOOOOON =D or something that sounds a whea bit like it..

Jack is very good at making puzzles and stuff like that, but his gros moto is not used as much. Therefor I would like to practice his bike riding skills a bit more (and so I don't have to push that double stroller any more ;) ) To make it a bit more interesting, I drew him a track on the driveway.. Let me tell you, it's exhausting to do so, so hopefully it doesn't rain the next week! With that track came some traffic lights.. Red means stop, green means GOOOOO!

After all the practicing (and a good afternoon nap) we went out on the street for the real deal. Grace in hers (me pushing it, Barney in front, pulling her into the grass or to a tree or anything else he wanted to snif) and Jack riding his (slowly, but certain). The reward for the long drive.. Watching the tractors and eating a homemade muffin from mum when we got back.

New day, new paint recipe.. =D We managed to do the hands in our books, but for the rest of the time, we painted with brushes... Babysteps.. Or should I say 'prints'..

Friday was time for relaxing @ yoga, having lunch with Liz (Enjoy Bali and see you in a month!) and checking out a car.. To bad the transmission didn't go very smoothly... Maybe the next one.. I still have heaps of time to look for a good car so..

Saterday was another amazing day! This time, I will let the pictures speak for themselves.. Devil's Punch Bowl @ Arthur's Pass, followed by limestone caves, Castle Hill, quicky (chat) with Sven ;) @ Porter's Pass and then back to Methven to drop of Caro and Lotti. The night ended with a party @ Braided River (bar) and Print Room (club).

Sunday was take-it-easy-day and spending-money-day... Shopping in Christchurch and coming home with 4 pair of pants, 1 shirt, 1 tiny purse and some crafting stuff...

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