Week 19


Sinterklaas is on his boat back to Spain, so that can only mean one thing... Christmas time!

Although it is not easy to get into the spirit when you are running around in togs and sneaking into the shade because it is too hot.

We are trying our best to get things going by putting on some Christmas tunes, making X-mas trees (felt ones so we can actually play with all the ornaments and cardboard ones that we painted and covered with stickers to look even more amazing) and turning our fridge into a snowman.

We love going to Nanma and Pop for some playtime on the playground and when Greatnana is there, we try to sneak in a short ride on her walker.
Nanma and Pop got some cool surprises from the shop. Once Grace was in bed, we were able to check them out and there were elfes, trains, packages and reindeers.

We put them together and Jack was really good at it. Unfortunately they are a bit to small to actually play with, but they are pretty decorations for Jack's bedroom.

With Grace having afternoon naps and Jack skipping them every once and a while in preparation for preschool, we can do some more tricky things that need heaps of concentration (which is pretty hard to do when Grace is running around).
Since Jack is swapping hands a lot when he throws balls around or eats or paints or colors or cuts, I decided to try and see if one or the other has better results when he does some writing skills.

Wednesday afternoon was time for a big moment: Grace had her first haircut!

I know, I know, she doesn't have that much yet, but it was time to give it some shape. She was really good sitting on mum's lap and looking down when needed. Only by the end when they got down to the fringe, she got bored and didn't feel like sitting still anymore. But I think we can all be proud of her for doing such a good job.

And she looks adorable! Even more then before!

Thursday is our weekly date at the parents center for our music class with all the cutie petuties!
Max: loves playing with balls and runs around very smoothly
Billy: same as Max, when I just got here, he just sat and lay down, now he's the light of the party on the keyboard with cool beats
Molly-Anna: looked very shy at first but started talking the last few weeks and the words come out are really clear! I was amazed when she said "keyboard"
Hillary: Grace's age and very energetic! Jumping, making music, wiggling the parachute, she loves it all
Grace babes: my cutie petutie that likes to be swung around on the tunes of the washing machine song or hangs upside down in the pot like a little bean (this probably makes no sense at all it you don't know the songs =P )
This week was the last time for 2015 so Christmas songs were in order and we had an extra visit from the keyboard that the kids were aloud to play. Sweet as!

In the mean time, Pop and Jack went to the toy library to swap our slide into some amazing waffle blocks! They played with them all afternoon, making tunnels, huts, houses to sit in.. They were doing an amazing job playing together and tidying when I asked them (probably because if they don't they didn't get their tee). Adorable (and perfect that we could do it in the shadow because it was just excruciation hot! I got out some water tubs and all of a sudden it started raining (gotta love that hose). The first time there was some hesitation that the t-shirts got wet, but it didn't take too long before they came closer again =P

In the evening we had our Au Pair Link dinner with Cushla, Mille, Lotti, Janina and Anna. It was a cosy time and we even had a secret Santa thing going on. I got a "dream big" poster, candle holder and candle that ended up with Mille and I got Cushla's gift with some typical chocolate candy bars and bookmarks (which are already in good use).

Ow, and I tried to make an other pav... I started with making meringues but had too much so I went for a pav. I forgot we didn't have any whipped cream so I end up making some butter cream with cinnamon and added apple on top. Just to make sure we stay in that Christmas theme.

I finally finished the family-planner so this way we can try to keep everything clear for everyone and the kids can see when they have a sleep or other things.

Friday we spent some more time with Keith and Carol (I love it there! They are so genuine, it's great to have them in my life too! And they make amazing fish or other tee =D ) and then I got to spend some more family time at the Scott's. Eating their tee and delicious bakings, kid sitting while they were angels and went to bed without any struggle and watching Graham Norton with Chris Hemsworth (I do prefer Liam, but I can live with it), not too bad for a Friday evening.

Luckily we had Saturday to spend some quality time together. I finally watched them doing their athletics. They do give their all! That's all I wanted to see. After that we went home and relaxed (you would guess they were a bit tired... Guess again!) on the trampoline (maybe fighting and tackling each other isn't really relaxing).
Maddie thought me how to make a poi (Maori thing), gave me some X-mas poppers and we got to do some salt dough. I love it, but it also makes me realize I should do more of these things with Amber and Wout.

After a drive home and some actual chill time, it was time for "Christmas at the park" with the fellow au-pairs. It was very busy and the spirit was there! I loved it! And the big finale fire works were the cherry on the cake. It was not as great as the Guy Fawkes and the company was not as great, but it was a great end for a good day and very helpful to get my merry mojo going.

Sunday was time for packing my bags and trying to limit the items (thank goodness I don't have to fly, I don't think my Christmas tree would be highly appreciated).
We (Keith, Myra, her friend and me) went to see Carol's Christmas Concert at the Ashburton church and it got me in an even higher merry spirit. I loved the flutist and the solo-artist was amazing! She was so young, but that voice! My god! I wouldn't even say it sounded like an angel because it was way to powerful!

After that we almost got our prayers answered and were treated to an almost white Christmas (or week before it) due to some hail.. =S Let's hope this is all gone by the time my parents come. Not really what they are coming for!

5 more sleeps and they are here.. =D (a few less before they have to leave)

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