Week 3


New week, new start.. Goal for today... An entire day without mommy around! She took us to the park to feed the ducks, then she went to work and we walked home. Grace fell asleep in the buggy and when we got back home, we played a bit outside. We were getting very good at this feeding thing because we also fed Barney *sit - high five - throw a bicky - good job, Barney* and ourselves. After our lunch, Jack and Grace got a good nap and in the mean time I was able to figure out how to make my edible finger-paint. Not too yummy, but no chemicals to get sick by.. We made a few nice pictures and then mum got home.. =D
We did great, all day! Hip Hip Hoereej!

Tuesday, good day.. After the horror of the night we had (Grace didn't want to sleep :( ) I was a bit afraid for today.. I must say, I was wrong. We took a Barney for a walk to the bakery around the corner and because of all the wind and cold, we weren't able to play outside after. Instead we made some really yummy red velvet cupcakes with frosting =D MMMMmmm Even Grace did some helping with putting the cases in the tray. After a bit of a play, Grace was knackered and slept (like an angel) for almost 3 hours. Jack also got a big rest and then it was time for trying our cupcakes (after our delicious lunch of course). By that time, mom got home and I was able to get my banking stuff in order and get a membership at the sports center.. The first class I attended was body combat.. Kicking and hitting (in the air of course) on some catchy music.. I enjoyed it, but once again, it was proven that I don't do well with choreography... As long as I'm the one standing up front.. No problem.. Me following someone... Aaaargh :S
The rest of the night was pretty relaxing. I tried to take pictures of the night sky.. First attempt: ERROR! Second try: ERROR! After doing a bit of research, I realized I forgot to put the focus on manual (and I discovered what BULB means). By that time, the clouds came rolling in, but luckily for me, right above Ashburton was a little piece of clear sky.. I should try some more settings, but my *ss was freezing off, so I just took a few and got back in side (to a nice and warm bed)..

Wednesday: pretty full day.. My muscles were a bit sore from the combat class, but it was do-able. We took a walk to the bakery and got some loafs of yummy bread. In the afternoon we made some bird feeders with peanut butter and birdseed. We put them in the tree and played some more in our outside little cottage. In the evening it was time for some more exercises.. CXwork.. Pretty much the same as BBB. Let me just say that the easy warm-up, was already a bit tough :S After that a quick shower and then to the movies with Laura, Caro and a few other au pair link girls. Train wreck.. Decent movie, but nothing special.

Thursday was a busy day at the Wall-house. Mum was at home, but had to do some office-things and in the afternoon Jack had a haircut and a mum-son-date. That gave me some time with Grace alone at home and it went great! The evening course I had planned, was cancelled. By me and my sore muscles ;D

On Friday, I have my day off. I attended the body balance class (pretty much like yoga on music). Once again it was clear that I am not a limber person.. Maybe if I do this every week.. It gave me a good feeling to talk to Liz, a 28-year old Dutch nanny. It was nice to see that there are other people my age who do this.. In the afternoon I relaxed at home and did a lot of rolly pollies with Jack.

Saturday was also a very lazy day. During the morning I didn't do much. Eventually I decided to go on a walk to the store with Jack, Grace, Barney and Kim. Grace loves her pushbike, but is not very handy to handle. Barney on the leash in front of her (until he wanted to smell a tree, or rubbish, or a pole, or anything).. And me trying to make sure she drove straight ahead. In the afternoon it was time to go to the Peel Forest for some horse trekking.. I asked for a big one (love those) and got Andy.. He loved to do some head banging (even while riding) but other than that, I had no complaints.. The surrounding was amazing (and the guide was pretty cute as well). We walk through the woods, into small rivers and on a hill (poor horse). Bert, the other guide

was a funny rascal. We arrived early and started talking about his son and his 'rich bitch' (his words, not ours) =D The rest of the evening was very laid back and getting ready for an early morning..

Sunday...What a day...
After we met at the movies on Wednesday, Laura asked me if I wanted to go dolphin watching to Kaikoura with her, Audrey (who had kidney infection and is 28!! whoop whoop), Caro (who had given me a ride) and Lotte (new in town). Because I didn't really know them, the trip over there was 4 hours, my last boat ride made me almost sick and your never sure weather you will actually see dolphins, my expectations were fairly low (I kind of learned to do that, so things can only turn out better). Boy was I wrong! The girls are amazing, the views on the way over there even more so, I took a little pill agains travel sickness and we saw hundreds of dolphins swimming in right in front of the boat, jumping and flipping.. The scenery and the weather were the cherry

on the (strawberry?)cake.. This day was freaking AWESOME! The only downside of that day were the spareribs I had for dinner.. As good as the veggies were, so yuckie were the ribs.. But that was forgotten quickly when we saw a baby seal on a look-out right out of town. The ride home was pretty long, but after a little nap (sorry Laura) and a lot of chatting with Audrey and our great driver Laura, I was dropped of safely at 29 Charles Street. Since I could finally see all the stars and I had already taken a few hundreds of photo's I decided to do some more experimenting with my camera. And then I started to freeze my ass off, so I hustled back inside to see the result. It turned out pretty great =D

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