Week 18


Sint and Piet are here!!

Jack had a visit to Starship and he is better than ever before and doesn't need any surgery before he goes to school! We love that good news!
In the mean time, Grace and I were able to bond a bit more and do tons of cool things together. We made a picture for Jack and Mum, Piet hats and put our shoe by the chimney so Sint and Piet could leave us some yummy treats!

Less good news.. Laura left for the North Island (and then Australia, Vietnam and UK) and Kira is gone to travel with Jan, her boyfriend.. Maybe it's not a bad thing that Kim has to do heaps of work (and so do I in that case)...

Grace is learning to be Miss Independent. Getting undressed (opening buttons) by herself, trying to put on clothes by herself, helping me when we do groceries! She does have some "big muscles"..

Now that Jack was not around, we where able to try to drink our milkshake from a cup (without the straw) and I must say, it was very challenging :P She definitely needs some practice but I was very amused by the look of it =D

Sint became a regular visitor. Every night we put our shoe (I tried mine too, but doesn't work that way :( ) and every morning yummy treats and often something to do some crafting or building showed up. It was really cool to see how excited the kids got over all of it. And how fast the chocolate disappeared =) Sunday was the final day.. Sint's birthday...

The kids went nuts over it!
Grace was most amused by all the bickies, marzipan and chocolate. Jack was mainly enjoying Graces gifts until we pointed out his area. The dinosaur egg was a huge amusement for the next couple days ("it cracked, his head is showing, it cracked even more, his paw is coming out, it is a dinosaur and not a chicken!")
The t-shirt and dress where highly appreciated by everyone that had a look at it (for instance Nanma and Pop) and the kids like them too.

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