Place: Alan and Joan Brown Rest Area, Maryborough, QLD
Month: December Days Stayed:
Weather: Hot with a pleasant breeze. Lots of smoke
Although it was only a carpark, we were able to stay under a big tree for shade and with relative privacy until this Winnie decided to camp right opposite us with the door facing us! Some people!!! Woke up at 6am to their very loud radio!
24 chapters
16 Apr 2020
December 22, 2019
Place: Alan and Joan Brown Rest Area, Maryborough, QLD
Month: December Days Stayed:
Weather: Hot with a pleasant breeze. Lots of smoke
Although it was only a carpark, we were able to stay under a big tree for shade and with relative privacy until this Winnie decided to camp right opposite us with the door facing us! Some people!!! Woke up at 6am to their very loud radio!
Historical buildings:
There were a lot of 'Queenslander homes' in and around the town. They were everywhere! Absolutely beautiful- wouldn't want their bill for paint though!
Electricity Box Art:
All of the boxes around town had been 'artified'!!!
Anzac Park:
Beautiful park with monuments depicting the war. Went for a walk through the park stopping at the 'Listening posts' and going along the path with the self activating story. They had wooden boats at the beginning of the park used as flower beds. Very impressive!!!
More baby animals- Ducklings:
Sat on the bench opposite the waterfall in Anzac Park when I say mother father and baby duckling foraging for food. Very Cute!!!
Mary Poppins:
Apparently the lady who wrote Mary Poppins lived in this town. The street lights even had a little Mary Poppin for the indicators.
Christmas Street party:
THis was held in the main street. Sat and listened to the 'Ukelele group playing christmas music- Oh Yah! Lovely. Then, later to a very loud band playing 'modern' christmas music! Not so lovely!!!
81. Tully RV Park, Tully, QLD
82. Rollingstone Rest Area, Rollingstone, QLD
83. Bluewater Rest Area, Bluewater, QLD
84. Home Hill Comfort Spot, Home Hill, QLD
85. Proserpine RV Park, Proserpine, QLD
86. Gargett Rodeo Park, Gargett, QLD
87. Yaamba Rest Area, Yaamba, QLD
88. Gladstone Showgrounds, Gladstone, QLD
89. Calliope Rest Area, Calliope, QLD
90. Boyde River Rest Area, Bernarby QLD
91. Granite Creek Rest Area, Miriam Vale, QLD
92. Gin Gin Rest Area, Gin Gin, QLD
93. Sharon George Nature Park, Sharon, QLD
94. Bundaberg RV Park, Bundaberg, QLD
95. Apple Tree Rest Area, Apple Tree, QLD
97. Alan and Jone Brown Rest Area, Maryborough, QLD
98. Tiaro Memorial Park, Tiaro, QLD
99. Kilkivan Memorial Park, Kilkivan, QLD
100. Chatsworth Reserve, Gympie, QLD
101. Rosewood Showgrounds, Rosewood- Brisbane
102. Ellensborough Reserve, Ellensborough/Port Macquarie, NSW
103.Bulahdelah Lions Rest Area, Bulahdelah, NSW
104. Kurri Kurri Sports Grounds, Kurri Kurri, NSW
105. Home, Ingleburn, NSW
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