I woke up in my hotel room. Céline was there to greet me and ask if this was my last day. I tell her it is. Before I head to the bathroom I get a big hug from her and a peck on the cheek. She said she will miss my "American expression" and laugh. That’s a lot coming from a woman just met. But I greet her off. I say my parting words and take a cab to the airport.
Written summary:
My path around Switzerland was extraordinary. I saw some things that made me go wow. I'm still going to be talking to Céline on Skype. I think we can become good international friends. I ate good food and drunk ALOT of DELICIOUS SWISS WINE. Even ate cheese from 300 years ago preserved in a vault. I saw the technological and luxurious advancements of Switzerland’s good angle. Got driven around in a Mercedes-Benz and even test driven a Pagani. Switzerland and Canada by far the best trip I have taken so far. Canada has the delicious food and beautiful scenery. Switzerland the delicious wine and nice people. Some of the current issues of the country is environmental concerns. All the tech in the world is not going to help if you have high methane levels. Also Switzerland highest immigration ever. Security concerns from airports and people. The total cost I spent was probably between $1000-$2000 on this vacation. It is a luxurious country so prices for certain items can go up over here. I actually am a foreign extracted student from America. This summer I wanted to go because of the opportunity over here for education and (certain people).
22 chapters
December 05, 2015
Lufthansa Air Company, Bern airport, Switzerland
I woke up in my hotel room. Céline was there to greet me and ask if this was my last day. I tell her it is. Before I head to the bathroom I get a big hug from her and a peck on the cheek. She said she will miss my "American expression" and laugh. That’s a lot coming from a woman just met. But I greet her off. I say my parting words and take a cab to the airport.
Written summary:
My path around Switzerland was extraordinary. I saw some things that made me go wow. I'm still going to be talking to Céline on Skype. I think we can become good international friends. I ate good food and drunk ALOT of DELICIOUS SWISS WINE. Even ate cheese from 300 years ago preserved in a vault. I saw the technological and luxurious advancements of Switzerland’s good angle. Got driven around in a Mercedes-Benz and even test driven a Pagani. Switzerland and Canada by far the best trip I have taken so far. Canada has the delicious food and beautiful scenery. Switzerland the delicious wine and nice people. Some of the current issues of the country is environmental concerns. All the tech in the world is not going to help if you have high methane levels. Also Switzerland highest immigration ever. Security concerns from airports and people. The total cost I spent was probably between $1000-$2000 on this vacation. It is a luxurious country so prices for certain items can go up over here. I actually am a foreign extracted student from America. This summer I wanted to go because of the opportunity over here for education and (certain people).
First Day in Canada:Emotion
History of Canada
Third Day in Canada:People
Fourth day in Canada: Geography
Fifth day of Canada: Travel info and leaving
First day in Nicaragua: Emotion
Second day in Nicaragua: History
Third day in Nicaragua: People
Fourth day In Nicaragua: Geography
Fifth day in Nicaragua: Travel info and leaving
First day in Switzerland: Emotion
History of Switzerland
Third day in Switzerland: People
Fourth day in Switzerland: Geography
Fifth day in Switzerland: Travel info and leaving
First day in Japan: Emotion
Second day in Japan: History
Third day in Japan: People
Fourth day in Japan: Geography
Fifth day in Japan: Travel information and leaving
Trip to Israel
Work Cited
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