Well after last night and all, I am tired. I want to visit another country. Canada was the best place I visited so far. I didn't use a tour which is good because I don't like lectures. I want to see and touch the things myself. There is a lot to learn about Canada; In the Travel information category. Like when you come here you need at least $6,000 to just start with. Keep it in a bank account in the country and spend it when needed. Also as soon you get off the plane and get a taxi. Go with the countries taxi's not the foreign ones. They will charge you more. So stick with the Capital taxi company. The hotel I chose was Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello in Ottawa. The reason I chose this one because it’s in the city so the restaurants and security is close by. The second reason, Is because all the main transportation terminals to go to different provinces is large. So if your hotel is in the mountains somewhere in Manitoba and you want to visit a shrine in Quebec. There are no major bus terminals to transport you. So you spend more money going to a town then spending money to get a bus. See my point. The general cost to get a plane ticket to Canada is around $3,000. So it’s no walk in the park as far as money. They health care in Canada is very excellent and compared very good to American healthcare. So you don't have to worry about disease and other health factors. The historic landmarks are usually museums and landmark exhibits. So it’s up to you if you want to pay money to go to a museum or a national park.
Written summary:
Canada is very clean and beautiful. I really enjoyed this country. Its people are friendly and kind. The weather is calm and just perfect. The landscape is just amazing. I saw elk, moose, aggressive coyotes, goats, and caribou. The issues I find in this country it’s still trying to be a peaceful state. But yet it has been to war and fought bravely. They also have immigration problems. A large population increase, decreases the food production. My visit to Canada was about $3,000. It took about 5 hours for the flight from NY, United States to Ottawa, Canada. This place was recommended by a relative of mine. He was my grandfather. He told me to go to Canada, because it’s beautiful and outstanding. Also a place to gain fresh air
22 chapters
October 05, 2015
Ottawa international airport, Canada
Well after last night and all, I am tired. I want to visit another country. Canada was the best place I visited so far. I didn't use a tour which is good because I don't like lectures. I want to see and touch the things myself. There is a lot to learn about Canada; In the Travel information category. Like when you come here you need at least $6,000 to just start with. Keep it in a bank account in the country and spend it when needed. Also as soon you get off the plane and get a taxi. Go with the countries taxi's not the foreign ones. They will charge you more. So stick with the Capital taxi company. The hotel I chose was Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello in Ottawa. The reason I chose this one because it’s in the city so the restaurants and security is close by. The second reason, Is because all the main transportation terminals to go to different provinces is large. So if your hotel is in the mountains somewhere in Manitoba and you want to visit a shrine in Quebec. There are no major bus terminals to transport you. So you spend more money going to a town then spending money to get a bus. See my point. The general cost to get a plane ticket to Canada is around $3,000. So it’s no walk in the park as far as money. They health care in Canada is very excellent and compared very good to American healthcare. So you don't have to worry about disease and other health factors. The historic landmarks are usually museums and landmark exhibits. So it’s up to you if you want to pay money to go to a museum or a national park.
Written summary:
Canada is very clean and beautiful. I really enjoyed this country. Its people are friendly and kind. The weather is calm and just perfect. The landscape is just amazing. I saw elk, moose, aggressive coyotes, goats, and caribou. The issues I find in this country it’s still trying to be a peaceful state. But yet it has been to war and fought bravely. They also have immigration problems. A large population increase, decreases the food production. My visit to Canada was about $3,000. It took about 5 hours for the flight from NY, United States to Ottawa, Canada. This place was recommended by a relative of mine. He was my grandfather. He told me to go to Canada, because it’s beautiful and outstanding. Also a place to gain fresh air
First Day in Canada:Emotion
History of Canada
Third Day in Canada:People
Fourth day in Canada: Geography
Fifth day of Canada: Travel info and leaving
First day in Nicaragua: Emotion
Second day in Nicaragua: History
Third day in Nicaragua: People
Fourth day In Nicaragua: Geography
Fifth day in Nicaragua: Travel info and leaving
First day in Switzerland: Emotion
History of Switzerland
Third day in Switzerland: People
Fourth day in Switzerland: Geography
Fifth day in Switzerland: Travel info and leaving
First day in Japan: Emotion
Second day in Japan: History
Third day in Japan: People
Fourth day in Japan: Geography
Fifth day in Japan: Travel information and leaving
Trip to Israel
Work Cited
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