I got off from Lufthansa Air Company, Bern airport.It was astounding to see country side. But the thing is Bern airport is not international, but private airport. But the country side is just beautiful and amazing. I walk out in the front and called the Swiss Cottage taxi service. Within seconds a Swiss driver driving a Mercedes-Benz comes by. He looks very unfriendly and waves me to give him my luggage. I decide to go to Hotel Schweizerhof because it’s in the city. As soon as I arrive at the hotel my mind just goes blank. It is really dazzling place I have ever been too. This is probably the only touch of royalty I get. Except for the time I went to McDonalds and got a drive-through special. I walk in and I'm greeted by 5 SERVANTS that insist on taking my luggage. I walk to my bedroom and automatically just turn childish. I go in the fridge and grab a bottle of Träsch and drink it whole. I tell the Swiss servants to drop my luggage here. I give them $50 tips for each and they are off. I look around the room a bit and discover a miniature wardrobe with 4 suits of men clothes. Then I go in the bathroom and I see a TV in front of the TUB. I JUMP right in the tub with a Davidoff cigar. I check my balance and I had $5000 in total. It was $759 for the tickets in Middle-business class. Then $22.79 for the Mercedes-Benz taxi ride. Then the $250 tip for the 5 servants. I got $3968 in balance left. But for right now I am going to watch "The Team" and stay warm in this tub. SWISS LIFE
22 chapters
December 01, 2015
Bern: Capital of Switzerland
I got off from Lufthansa Air Company, Bern airport.It was astounding to see country side. But the thing is Bern airport is not international, but private airport. But the country side is just beautiful and amazing. I walk out in the front and called the Swiss Cottage taxi service. Within seconds a Swiss driver driving a Mercedes-Benz comes by. He looks very unfriendly and waves me to give him my luggage. I decide to go to Hotel Schweizerhof because it’s in the city. As soon as I arrive at the hotel my mind just goes blank. It is really dazzling place I have ever been too. This is probably the only touch of royalty I get. Except for the time I went to McDonalds and got a drive-through special. I walk in and I'm greeted by 5 SERVANTS that insist on taking my luggage. I walk to my bedroom and automatically just turn childish. I go in the fridge and grab a bottle of Träsch and drink it whole. I tell the Swiss servants to drop my luggage here. I give them $50 tips for each and they are off. I look around the room a bit and discover a miniature wardrobe with 4 suits of men clothes. Then I go in the bathroom and I see a TV in front of the TUB. I JUMP right in the tub with a Davidoff cigar. I check my balance and I had $5000 in total. It was $759 for the tickets in Middle-business class. Then $22.79 for the Mercedes-Benz taxi ride. Then the $250 tip for the 5 servants. I got $3968 in balance left. But for right now I am going to watch "The Team" and stay warm in this tub. SWISS LIFE
First Day in Canada:Emotion
History of Canada
Third Day in Canada:People
Fourth day in Canada: Geography
Fifth day of Canada: Travel info and leaving
First day in Nicaragua: Emotion
Second day in Nicaragua: History
Third day in Nicaragua: People
Fourth day In Nicaragua: Geography
Fifth day in Nicaragua: Travel info and leaving
First day in Switzerland: Emotion
History of Switzerland
Third day in Switzerland: People
Fourth day in Switzerland: Geography
Fifth day in Switzerland: Travel info and leaving
First day in Japan: Emotion
Second day in Japan: History
Third day in Japan: People
Fourth day in Japan: Geography
Fifth day in Japan: Travel information and leaving
Trip to Israel
Work Cited
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