Me and Pedro wake up and decide to get a small job in Nicaragua before we become low on money. But first we need to get some history in our system. We head to the Museo General Sandino in Jinotega. It’s a long trip there. So first we head to the front lobby of our hotel to find a job. The lobbyist said they would pay us $1000 if we got rid of the waste in the septic tanks. The company that was supposed to come here never showed up. So we got dirty and cleaned the waste quickly and made fertilizer. The quickest opportunities to get money. We got done with that and checked our balance. We have $2770. We pack up our stuff and got in the taxi to Jinotega, Nicaragua. We head to Museum of General Sandino on 2 hour 21 minutes of time. We head to Jinotega, but have to stop to refuel. We also headed to the Jinotega to grab a few cervezas and arroz y pollo. Then we head to the Museum of General Sandino. We head to the front entrance of the museum. Me and Pedro looked in the exhibits a found some things out. The Monroe Doctrine of the US declared that all deals within Nicaragua and other Latin countries are within the US interest. In 1821, Nicaragua declares independence from Spain and finally has its own place in the Latin American continent. It becomes an independent state 17 years after. Then in 1856, William Walker and his soldiers seize the presidency of Nicaragua driven from office in 1857. 36 years after, a revolt went against William Walker then Jose Santos went into power. In 1909, Conflicts with US over the Panama Canal in Nicaragua leads US to support Conservative that led forces rebelling against Zelaya. After that the US soldiers maintained control in Nicaragua. In 1927, US Marines battled with rebel forces led by General Augusto Sandino. Then in the 1960's FSLN conducted guerilla war against Somoza. After this it was years of revolts, contra forces, reign of dictators and US support to have a stable government. Finally in 1981, US support counter-revoluntary forces to go against the government. They got a democracy and then elected a presidency. After we saw all the exhibits, we left and went back to Managua. Now in Nicaragua the crime rate is kind of usually. We had to pay the taxi driver 2% more for driving non-stop for the fear of getting robbed. We headed to Managua to grab a bite at Muy rico. We went to the restaurant to get some rice, beans, tostones, fried steak and grilled chicken. We ate there and then returned to our hotel Holiday Inn Managua, Convention Center. Me and Pedro had a good time today. We spent about $558 dollars today. So we have $2212.9 left. After we checked our balance we both went to bed to find our thoughts of what we can do tomorrow. Maybe food, and entertainment.
22 chapters
November 02, 2015
Museo del Departamento de Malacología UCA;Managua,Nicaragua
Me and Pedro wake up and decide to get a small job in Nicaragua before we become low on money. But first we need to get some history in our system. We head to the Museo General Sandino in Jinotega. It’s a long trip there. So first we head to the front lobby of our hotel to find a job. The lobbyist said they would pay us $1000 if we got rid of the waste in the septic tanks. The company that was supposed to come here never showed up. So we got dirty and cleaned the waste quickly and made fertilizer. The quickest opportunities to get money. We got done with that and checked our balance. We have $2770. We pack up our stuff and got in the taxi to Jinotega, Nicaragua. We head to Museum of General Sandino on 2 hour 21 minutes of time. We head to Jinotega, but have to stop to refuel. We also headed to the Jinotega to grab a few cervezas and arroz y pollo. Then we head to the Museum of General Sandino. We head to the front entrance of the museum. Me and Pedro looked in the exhibits a found some things out. The Monroe Doctrine of the US declared that all deals within Nicaragua and other Latin countries are within the US interest. In 1821, Nicaragua declares independence from Spain and finally has its own place in the Latin American continent. It becomes an independent state 17 years after. Then in 1856, William Walker and his soldiers seize the presidency of Nicaragua driven from office in 1857. 36 years after, a revolt went against William Walker then Jose Santos went into power. In 1909, Conflicts with US over the Panama Canal in Nicaragua leads US to support Conservative that led forces rebelling against Zelaya. After that the US soldiers maintained control in Nicaragua. In 1927, US Marines battled with rebel forces led by General Augusto Sandino. Then in the 1960's FSLN conducted guerilla war against Somoza. After this it was years of revolts, contra forces, reign of dictators and US support to have a stable government. Finally in 1981, US support counter-revoluntary forces to go against the government. They got a democracy and then elected a presidency. After we saw all the exhibits, we left and went back to Managua. Now in Nicaragua the crime rate is kind of usually. We had to pay the taxi driver 2% more for driving non-stop for the fear of getting robbed. We headed to Managua to grab a bite at Muy rico. We went to the restaurant to get some rice, beans, tostones, fried steak and grilled chicken. We ate there and then returned to our hotel Holiday Inn Managua, Convention Center. Me and Pedro had a good time today. We spent about $558 dollars today. So we have $2212.9 left. After we checked our balance we both went to bed to find our thoughts of what we can do tomorrow. Maybe food, and entertainment.
First Day in Canada:Emotion
History of Canada
Third Day in Canada:People
Fourth day in Canada: Geography
Fifth day of Canada: Travel info and leaving
First day in Nicaragua: Emotion
Second day in Nicaragua: History
Third day in Nicaragua: People
Fourth day In Nicaragua: Geography
Fifth day in Nicaragua: Travel info and leaving
First day in Switzerland: Emotion
History of Switzerland
Third day in Switzerland: People
Fourth day in Switzerland: Geography
Fifth day in Switzerland: Travel info and leaving
First day in Japan: Emotion
Second day in Japan: History
Third day in Japan: People
Fourth day in Japan: Geography
Fifth day in Japan: Travel information and leaving
Trip to Israel
Work Cited
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