I wake up in Hotel Schweizerhof. My mind right now is not going straight. I rush to check my balance $3017. Still got money. Céline walks in and greets me. She tells me she had a great night and recognizes me as a good friend. In Switzerland people don't show affection in public because it’s rude. This is why she is discrete about her comment. Friendship is important in Swiss culture before you actual start dating the person. But I gave her a bear hug and we both move on with our day. I decide to get one last glance of Switzerland before I leave. I prepare a Swiss explorer pack and some poultry, wine, cheese, and bread. I decide to take a train to Zernez because it faster. I went on and payed $60 for the Swiss-all-travel train pass. Last a week and I'm not going to be here a week. But it’s better than bumpy taxi-cabs. I head to Zernez no more than two hours. I get off and walk 30 minutes to the Swiss National Park center. I pay the fee and walk into the beautiful park. The first thing I see is amazing but also puzzling. It’s an eagle but not bold. I read the brochure and look up. It’s a Golden eagle. One of the largest in Europe. It has a wingspan of 2.2m. It is an impressive animal. I walk on the trail and look at all the animals. I see the Red deer fighting a Lynx, squirrels up a tree, Bearded vulture grabbing a Northern viper, and a group of Ibex annoying a bear. I avoid the Ibex's, because you know bad experiences with goats in general. I walk up the trail and see spruce trees, Pine trees, even a Vanilla orchid. I saved caution and took a small whiff. MMM spelled just like Vanilla wafers back home. On my way to the mountain, I encounter a hungry looking fox. (Does Mother Nature ever pay child support, because her hungry child is right her). I slowly dig into my backpack and throw some pork strips at him. While he dug into the meat, I leave slowly. On alpine mountains, I saw a spectacle view of the park. Just amazing especially because the Dolomite and Gneiss rocks consisting the base layer of the mountain. I dig into my pack and grab a container of coffee. I take a long gulp. I felt like all the trees were just singing in the open breeze while the animals just sat and watch. What a beautiful day.....To bad I got to leave....Sayōnara Switzerland
22 chapters
December 04, 2015
Swiss National Park in Zernez, Switzerland
I wake up in Hotel Schweizerhof. My mind right now is not going straight. I rush to check my balance $3017. Still got money. Céline walks in and greets me. She tells me she had a great night and recognizes me as a good friend. In Switzerland people don't show affection in public because it’s rude. This is why she is discrete about her comment. Friendship is important in Swiss culture before you actual start dating the person. But I gave her a bear hug and we both move on with our day. I decide to get one last glance of Switzerland before I leave. I prepare a Swiss explorer pack and some poultry, wine, cheese, and bread. I decide to take a train to Zernez because it faster. I went on and payed $60 for the Swiss-all-travel train pass. Last a week and I'm not going to be here a week. But it’s better than bumpy taxi-cabs. I head to Zernez no more than two hours. I get off and walk 30 minutes to the Swiss National Park center. I pay the fee and walk into the beautiful park. The first thing I see is amazing but also puzzling. It’s an eagle but not bold. I read the brochure and look up. It’s a Golden eagle. One of the largest in Europe. It has a wingspan of 2.2m. It is an impressive animal. I walk on the trail and look at all the animals. I see the Red deer fighting a Lynx, squirrels up a tree, Bearded vulture grabbing a Northern viper, and a group of Ibex annoying a bear. I avoid the Ibex's, because you know bad experiences with goats in general. I walk up the trail and see spruce trees, Pine trees, even a Vanilla orchid. I saved caution and took a small whiff. MMM spelled just like Vanilla wafers back home. On my way to the mountain, I encounter a hungry looking fox. (Does Mother Nature ever pay child support, because her hungry child is right her). I slowly dig into my backpack and throw some pork strips at him. While he dug into the meat, I leave slowly. On alpine mountains, I saw a spectacle view of the park. Just amazing especially because the Dolomite and Gneiss rocks consisting the base layer of the mountain. I dig into my pack and grab a container of coffee. I take a long gulp. I felt like all the trees were just singing in the open breeze while the animals just sat and watch. What a beautiful day.....To bad I got to leave....Sayōnara Switzerland
First Day in Canada:Emotion
History of Canada
Third Day in Canada:People
Fourth day in Canada: Geography
Fifth day of Canada: Travel info and leaving
First day in Nicaragua: Emotion
Second day in Nicaragua: History
Third day in Nicaragua: People
Fourth day In Nicaragua: Geography
Fifth day in Nicaragua: Travel info and leaving
First day in Switzerland: Emotion
History of Switzerland
Third day in Switzerland: People
Fourth day in Switzerland: Geography
Fifth day in Switzerland: Travel info and leaving
First day in Japan: Emotion
Second day in Japan: History
Third day in Japan: People
Fourth day in Japan: Geography
Fifth day in Japan: Travel information and leaving
Trip to Israel
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