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Northland, NZ, 01.30.2024

Let's Go!

Car is returned – it’s time for a quick flight from Aukland to Whangarei this morning. Plan A: Take a taxi back to Nutmeg after 3 months of being “on the hard” and getting work done and sail off to the Bay of Islands. But, of course, parts were delayed and everything is not quite done yet (so many holidays they celebrate here!) Plan B: Rent another car for a few more days & head up to the northern point of NZ.

The subtropical Northland region of New Zealand stretches upwards from Auckland to the very top of New Zealand. A few stops along the way to the northern tip: The historic Stone Store in Kerikeri, NZ’s oldest stone building, part of a mission station built in the 1830’s. At a beautiful site along the river with a restored Waka, carved Maori canoe. Along the Kerikeri River Track is the stunning Rainbow Falls where some “braves” venture into the pooled water along the top edge. A good beer and wood fired pizza at Phat House Brewing, more beaches, farmland, and mussel farming in Whangaroa.

I hope you enjoy going places and seeing new things.

Gma & Gpa

A Little History Lesson:

Humans have only impacted NZ’s environment for the past 1000 years – the last country in the world to be inhabited by humans. About 1000 years ago, the great Maori discoverer “Kupe” landed on the northland shores and named this place Aotearoa, Land of the Long White Cloud. Maori stories, myths and legends are strongly connected to nature. Today most towns use Maori names and 30% of the country is national reserve.

The 1st European explorer known to have visited New Zealand was the Dutch navigator, Abel Tasman, in 1642, followed by James Cook in 1769. The first European settlers (the "Pakeha") arrived in the 1800’s to hunt seals and whales followed by the goldrush and the timber industry.

Though such a young country, NZ is very rich in history and nature.

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