St. Peters Basilica is yet another astoundingly beautiful building. It was built around 1626. Everywhere you look there are paintings or sculptures no surface is left bare. On the outside St. Peters has rows of columns arching around the outside with a pretty typical square building that has a massive dome on top covered with a layer of patina. On the inside the floors are covered with beautiful tile designs. There are rows of columns on the inside reaching up to the huge vaulted ceiling. The dome is located at the center of the building and is covered with beautiful and ornate designs. St Peters Basilica is one of the marvels of Christian Rome. It is hard to believe
15 chapters
16 Apr 2020
January 20, 2017
Vatican City
St. Peters Basilica is yet another astoundingly beautiful building. It was built around 1626. Everywhere you look there are paintings or sculptures no surface is left bare. On the outside St. Peters has rows of columns arching around the outside with a pretty typical square building that has a massive dome on top covered with a layer of patina. On the inside the floors are covered with beautiful tile designs. There are rows of columns on the inside reaching up to the huge vaulted ceiling. The dome is located at the center of the building and is covered with beautiful and ornate designs. St Peters Basilica is one of the marvels of Christian Rome. It is hard to believe
that such a large and beautiful building was made so long before modern building techniques.
The Greek Boxer
Roman Sarcophagus
The Pantheon
Statue of Augustus Caesar
The Arch of Constantine
The Pieta
The School of Athens
The Sistine Chapel
Bernini's David
Caravaggio Madonna and Child
St. Peters Bisilica
Michelangelo's David
Botticelli's Primavera
Altare della Patria
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